Have you caught 'Spring Fever'? By April spring fever is in full swing. You may have been hibernating indoors throughout March to avoid the tumultuous weather, but by the time April rolls around, the great outdoors is calling. Chil
Dahl is a delicious soup made of lentils with many benefits. It is a perfect way to feel light and refreshed after a weekend full of social eating, celebrating with friends, or for your next seasonal cleanse. You can make dahl anytime you feel imbalanced,
Are you ready for constipation relief? Taking triphala every night during the fall is a great start. It may also help with the gas and bloating that ten
Breathing exercises can help restore energy and vitality (prana). They oxygenate the blood, strengthen metabolism, invigorate circulation, and cleanse the lymphatic system. Gentle breathing techniques relax the mind. There are many types of
By August, your body is preparing for fall and using all available energy to build an insulating layer of fat before the temperatures plummet mid October. Meanwhile,
Why Do People Become Anorexic? Imagine if every time you ate, you felt sluggish, tired, and a loss of vitality. Picture your energy drained, your goals for the day slipping away into a sleepy distance. Naturally you'd blame food fo
Ayurveda excels in therapies to cleanse internal spaces in your body, including the digestive and respiratory tracts. Nasya oil is a famous herbal preparation used to clean the sinuses. Nasya oil, which means 'nasal oil', restores clarity to your mind. Ay