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(5.00 out of 5 stars) 1 rating, 76 likes SAVE ARTICLE The best weight loss program will improve your relationship with your body and food. When you make choices that cause you to gain weight, your body communicates distress signs. Through Ayurveda, you discover how to listen & respond more mindfully to your 34 likes SAVE ARTICLE Breathing exercises can help restore energy and vitality (prana). They oxygenate the blood, strengthen metabolism, invigorate circulation, and cleanse the lymphatic system. Gentle breathing techniques relax the mind. There are many types of 26 likes SAVE ARTICLE For most people, if you have to breathe through your mouth, your exercise routine is too intense. In Ayurveda, consistency is usually better than intensity. If you overdo it, you'll hurt your body and find it harder to keep up the pace. P (5.00 out of 5 stars) 2 ratings, 19 likes SAVE ARTICLE A few years ago, the book "French Women Don't Get Fat" became a New York Times bestseller and planted a seed in all of our minds that the French, and perhaps most Europeans, have something figured out about food that Americans seem to be missing. While Am 19 likes SAVE ARTICLE Starting your day with vigorous exercise in the morning can stimulate circulation, wake up the mind, and wake up your metabolism. It can ensure that you have a hearty appetite by breakfast and can help prepare your mind for the day ahead. Here is a sequen |