Cleanse Your Body in Nature - Ayurveda Camping Trip

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Cleanse Your Body in this Wilderness Ayurveda Retreat

Cleanse your body and discover Ayurveda on a 3 day beautiful walk through the Blue Ridge mountains. During this fun and interactive camping retreat, you'll discover your body and awaken your healing potential through experiences in the natural world. Each day, you'll meet wild herbs while we guide you through a three day detoxification and cleansing process. Meanwhile, you'll learn about your body through enjoyable mealtime presentations. Together we'll share our experiences of the day over an evening meal and camp fire.

Your body's inner workings are most alive & more perceptible in nature. It has been said that nature is Ayurveda's greatest teacher. By the end of the retreat, you will learn how your body relates to food and the environment, essential skills for self-healing. This 3 day immersion offers you unique encounters with your body and nature. Back at home, you'll use these newly acquired skills as a road map to heal and continually cleanse your body through food and lifestyle.

In August, peaches, elderberries, and other wild herbs are coming in season.

Included in the retreat


This workshop will help you to:

Main Topics of Discovery

On the walk and Ayurvedic retreat in the blue ridge mountains, you will be introduced to a simple, profound and rich healing technique that is the foundation of Ayurveda, but rarely taught by practitioners. You will discover and demonstrate the benefits of this method to yourself, through a tactile approach. Discovery by doing is not only the most effective way to learn, but also the most fun and exciting. You will feel solid in these techniques by the end of the walk.

Your Body & the Natural World

The healing method taught over the weekend is easiest to learn outdoors. Your senses are sharper in nature. The five elements are easier to experience. In nature, you are surrounded by life, which allows us to show you a new understanding of life. Herbs are stronger than foods, and can teach you about your body more quickly. Once you have been introduced to this skill with herbs, you can apply the same technique to food.

Join us for this incredible hike along one of the lushest, most plant diverse regions in the world. The beauty of these emerald mountains attract millions every year. You'll enjoy spectacular vistas as you make personal insights into your own body and health.


Over the weekend you can expect to experience:

About the Trail

We start just outside of Hot Springs at 9:15 am. The entire trip is approximately 10 miles. You will be walking about 3-4 miles each day and camping at night. Evenings will be spent building the fire, preparing the meal and sharing stories. Mornings will include class time and sampling herbs. Breakfast and dinner will be provided. Bring your own snacks and lunch. Difficulty level is moderate to easy. To make the trip light and easy, your tent and other overnight gear will be transported by car for you to each evening's campsite.

About John Immel

John Immel is the founder of leading Ayurvedic dieting website JoyfulBelly.com. His insightful presentations on Ayurveda have captivated and changed the lives of thousands. John started his career with a bachelor's degree in mathematics from Harvard University. He first discovered Ayurveda while working on public health and service projects in South Asia & the Middle East.


This practical workshop offers discovery and learning opportunities for both novice and experienced students. The total cost for the trip and classes is $299. Attendance is limited to 20 people. Bring a friend for half price ($149.50).
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