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Get the 45 minute presentation 'Balance My Clear Condition' given by Joyful Belly founder and director John Immel.
This presentation will show you Ayurvedic essentials on fixing this imbalance, including diet, lifestyle, and herbal tips from Ayurveda.
Price: $15.95
Elements: Ether, Air
Balanced by 'Gooey', 'Heavy', 'Oily'.
Clear refers to anything that cleanses or flushes out wastes, or that digests ama.
Clear food has the ability to either clear the (1) digestive tract, (2) blood and lymphatic system, (3) mind, or (4) mucus or fluid stagnation in any organ. Clear foods reduce fluids. They help metabolize or purge toxic buildup (ama) from tissues. Clear foods reduce muscle and fat tissue (called karshana and lekhana in Ayurveda).
Cleansing, fasting, and an excessively light diet increases clear quality in the body. The remedy for excessive clear quality in the body is a Vata pacifying diet with rich or sweet foods. Inspiration, awe, open mindedness, forgetting one's cultural heritage or homeland, travel, and grief increases Vata type create clear quality in the mind. The remedy for an excess of Vata clear quality in the mind is stability and routine.
Anger, divorce, contempt, criticism, bitterness and overconfidence increase Pitta type clear quality in the mind. Pitta type clear quality is associated with an excess of focus. To relax focus and avoid oversimplifying life, consider how other people would benefit from this focus - including members of your extended family, friends, and colleagues.
Clear foods and herbs help heal wounds. Clear foods generally lack sweet, sticky, gooey, or oily qualities. Instead, they are bitter, sharp, warm, drying, and light. Turmeric clears the blood because it dilates blood vessels, improving circulation. Dandelion clears the blood because bitters help metabolise cholesterol, fats, and sugars. Dandelion leaves are also a diuretic, flushing water stagnation. Aloe vera clears the digestive tract because it is a slight laxative. Mint, like many aromatic herbs, refreshes and clears the mind and respiratory tract. Lemon clears the liver and gall bladder by draining excess bile. Black pepper clears tissues by irritating them. Heat clears by purging the sweat glands.
Kapha needs clear quality the most. Vata craves clear quality too much, to the point of creating deficiency. The body naturally cleanses during the spring. Spring is also the season where the body needs the most help with cleansing and detoxification.
An herb that strengthens spleen function by improving strength of the blood. Spleen tonics Builds agni, brighten the person's appearances & firms up tissues.
Rajasic foods stimulate desire or nervous energy. Red meat, high protein food, garlic and onions stimulate desire. Rajasic foods include chili peppers, coffee, and anything that stimulates movement.
Sattvic foods promote awareness and a refreshed mind by nourishing the body without taxing digestion. Sattvic foods do not stimulate desire or nervous energy. They create clarity instead of drowsiness or heaviness.
Herbs that promote urine formation, thereby flushing the kidneys and urinary tract while eliminating any excess water retention. As diuretics reduce water retention, they are often used to reduce blood pressure.
A vasodilator is an herb that widens the blood vessels by the relaxation of smooth muscle cells within the vessel walls, thereby increasing circulation systemically or to a local area.
Expectorants help you eliminate mucus from the lungs. These herbs often work by increasing the quantity of mucus, or thinning the mucus. Expectorants are indicated when phlegm congests the lower respiratory tract.
Herbs or spices with volatile essential oils that present strong aromas. Aromatic oils shock, refresh and numb tissue, with the end result of relaxing, opening and clearing stagnant fluids in tissues.
Bland means doesn't have much taste. In Chinese medicine, bland taste refers to afood without little macronutrients, such as cabbage, radish or bok choy.
Geriatric conditions typically involve low agni / metabolism, poor circulation, weakness & debility, muscle weakening, poor digestion, a drop in sex hormones, and connective tissue degradation in bones & skin.
A vasodilator is an herb that widens the blood vessels by the relaxation of smooth muscle cells within the vessel walls, thereby increasing circulation systemically or to a local area.
Expectorants help you eliminate mucus from the lungs. These herbs often work by increasing the quantity of mucus, or thinning the mucus. Expectorants are indicated when phlegm congests the lower respiratory tract.
Herbs that promote urine formation, thereby flushing the kidneys and urinary tract while eliminating any excess water retention. As diuretics reduce water retention, they are often used to reduce blood pressure.
Rajasic foods stimulate desire or nervous energy. Red meat, high protein food, garlic and onions stimulate desire. Rajasic foods include chili peppers, coffee, and anything that stimulates movement.
Sattvic foods promote awareness and a refreshed mind by nourishing the body without taxing digestion. Sattvic foods do not stimulate desire or nervous energy. They create clarity instead of drowsiness or heaviness.
An herb that strengthens spleen function by improving strength of the blood. Spleen tonics Builds agni, brighten the person's appearances & firms up tissues.
In Ayurveda, oily refers to anything moistening. More specifically, oily refers to building substances that increases fat, or are themselves fatty. For example, sugar is Oily.
Herbs or spices with volatile essential oils that present strong aromas. Aromatic oils shock, refresh and numb tissue, with the end result of relaxing, opening and clearing stagnant fluids in tissues.
Bland means doesn't have much taste. In Chinese medicine, bland taste refers to afood without little macronutrients, such as cabbage, radish or bok choy.
Geriatric conditions typically involve low agni / metabolism, poor circulation, weakness & debility, muscle weakening, poor digestion, a drop in sex hormones, and connective tissue degradation in bones & skin.