Table of ContentsHow Does This Ayurvedic Food Improve Wellness?
CLINICAL AYURVEDIC REVIEWFootnote: The information for this article was in part gathered from a 2022 study and survey of 19 students of Ayurveda who experimented with beets. During the study, students ate beets for 3 days and journaled the pharmacological effects. This study was sponsored by the Joyful Belly School of Ayurveda, and specifically the Mastering Ayurvedic Digestion & Nutrition certification course. Detoxifies Liver / Improves Blood QualityBeets have a cholagogue effect, flushing hot, sharp bile from the liver. This action helps keep the organ and, in turn, the blood cool. The release of bile draws toxins and oily fats out of the liver and blood leaving both refreshed. Beets' mild bitter taste and ample fiber point to this quality. The cooling effect can often be felt as a refreshing feeling in the eyes.
Not only do beets help clear the liver, they can also nourish it. Beets contain several nutrients beneficial to the liver. One cup of beets delivers 19% RDA manganese, 37% RDA folate and is high in iron. Not to mention other B vitamins, calcium, betaine and antioxidants, which are all healthy for the liver. Beets are predominantly sweet, which is a building, nourishing taste. Their deep red color is blood-like in appearance, which speaks to their blood-building nature. They are iron-rich, an essential mineral for the transport of oxygen in the red blood cells. This makes beets useful for those with anemia. Beets blood & liver nourishing quality may be supportive to those recovering from COVID, but more studies are needed. COVID is not just a respiratory, it also destroys the quality of the blood. This can be seen in a yellow tongue coating a few days after infection, indicating a stressed liver. COVID also significantly impair iron metabolism at the cellular level. Beets alleviate liver and blood conditions and may help bring the system back into balance. Anti-allergy, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbialBeets contain a number of antioxidant compounds, which reduce allergic and inflammatory reactions. 100g of beetroot delivers about 10% RDA of antioxidant Vitamin C. This is an important nutrient for skin health and overall immune function.
Betanin, aka 'beetroot red', is responsible for the strong red color of the root and also acts as an antioxidant. It scavenges for free radicals and supports healthy elimination. It's also what causes the stool or urine to take a reddish color! Beets are high in flavonoids, which contribute to their vibrant hue. These compounds support healthy reactions in the body and the cells. This can include anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and anticancer activity. The body tries to get rid of bioflavonoids soon after they are consumed. It does this by activating enzymes that also help clear mutagens and carcinogens. This aids in overall cleansing. Laxative that Cleanses the BowelsAfter eating beets the urine and stool will turn a reddish color - this is not a sign of bleeding! It is a harmless occurrence and beets actually support healthy bowel movements.
The cholagogue effect of beets encourages the release of bile from the liver and gallbladder. This bile is hot and irritating to the GI, stimulating quicker elimination. This bile dumping effect, combined with beets' soluble fiber (14% RDA), gives rise to the laxative effect of beets. Our experiment participants saw this effect in action. Reporting on stool frequency, 8 of 11 students reported more frequent elimination saying they had the, "urge to eliminate within an hour or two of eating the beets". 15 noted that their stool was softer, as opposed to only two who reported harder. 12 students noted faster overall digestion speed, as opposed to two who reported slower. Grounding, Relaxes the NervesThe sweetness of beetroot causes higher blood sugar levels which leaves the body feeling relaxed and satisfied.
Alongside this, the cleansing effect of the root reduces toxins in the system. This allows the nerves to feel more at ease and less jittery. One experiment participant noted, "my tongue trembled less", which was the case for six students. Only 2 noted that their tongue trembled more. The vasodilating effect of beets increases blood flow and warmth in the body. This combines to relax the muscles and reduce tension, "I noticed a feeling of clarity and released tension. I stopped clenching my jaw". In our study, 6 participants reported less muscle tension (one reported more), while 9 noted less anxiety and none felt more - "nerves are calm, blood feels nourished". The improved transportation of oxygen in the system helped participants feel more alert, without becoming anxious, "I do not feel any discomfort or anxiousness, or hyperactivity when I eat beets, but I do feel slightly more alert". Another student noted, "my mental clarity seemed slightly better". Warming, Relaxing AphrodisiacBeets were used as an aphrodisiac in Roman times. They improve blood flow and their relaxing, energizing nature is perfect for getting in the mood and warming up desire.
The amino acid tryptophan, the chemical boron, nitrates and glutathione all support this aphrodisiac effect. Studies have shown that beets can be helpful in cases of erectile dysfunction. By improving blood flow, beets have a warming effect on the body. This was seen by many of our students who reported experiences like a "warm, full sensation that left me feeling grounded and satisfied", "I feel warmth on my tongue and in my belly, as satisfaction" and "cool texture in the mouth but warm inside the belly". The overall nourishing and moistening quality of beets led one student to exclaim, "the cracks seemed less deep and fewer cracks on my tongue"! Cracks on the tongue are a signed the tongue is 'deflating' due to lack of moisture. A reduction in cracks means the moisture in the body is improving. This moisture can be important for the libido. Effects of Each Body Type (Dosha)Effects on Deficient (Vata) individualsThe blood building, sweet, warming biocharacteristics of beets reduces deficiency characteristic of Vata. Beets should be well-cooked for Vata-dominant individuals. Raw or undercooked beets can be too difficult for them to digest.Effects on Fiery (Pitta) individualsThe sweet and bitter tastes in beets support and soothe an fiery Pitta liver, and Pitta's corrupted blood. However, beets have one quality that could potentially aggravate Pitta - warmth. 12 students noted they felt warmer after eating beets, as opposed to 2 who felt colder. One student noted, "it warmed me up, so it has a hot biocharacteristic". Another said, "my chest felt warm". However, this warmth is more than tempered by the anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, liver-restoring and laxative effects of beets - all of which serve to reduce Pitta dosha.Effects on Stagnant (Kapha) individualsThe bitter, hot and liquid nature of beets can reduce the stagnation of Kapha dosha. By improving blood flow and detoxifying the liver and blood, slow, stagnant Kapha is reduced.Simple sugars (glucose, fructose) make up 70%-80% of the carbohydrates in raw and cooked beets respectively. This sweetness of beetroot could lead someone to conclude that beets aggravate Kapha, in excess. But it is generally considered safe, and potentially even helpful, when trying to balance sugar levels. Beets have an overall medium glycemic index score and, more importantly, a very low glycemic load. This is because the phytochemicals in beets help control the blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity. In 2014 a study on effects of beetroot juice on blood glucose levels, after eating, was carried out. It showed that drinking 225 milliliters (almost 1/2 cup) beetroot juice significantly reduced post-meal glucose levels. Buying & Preparation
Choose small- to medium-sized beets that feel firm and have a smooth skin. This is because the smaller ones are generally more tender than the larger ones. Avoid beets with hairy root tips which may be tougher and look out for those with perky, crisp greens. As beets age they become dehydrated and soft, so choose those which are firm and heavy for their size. Should you peel your beets? If you are cooking organic roots, it's easier to leave the skin on and allow them to fall off naturally after cooking. You will likely not even need a knife! If your beets are not organic, you can peel like a potato peeler.
It's important to remember that beet greens are heating and Pitta provoking. Because of this it might be necessary to cook the greens in a separate pot. Cooking BeetsRaw beets can be grated and put atop salads. Otherwise they should be cooked until tender, especially for Vata individuals with weaker digestion. Beets are particularly delicious when roasted. Try coating in olive oil and seasoning with black pepper before roasting for 30 minutes at 425?, or until tender. Garnish with balsamic reduction for a mouth-watering, blood-stimulating dish.
Beets are a versatile root that also work well when juiced, pureed, boiled in soup or pickled. For a sweeter, smoother experience of beets, try cooking them for 3 hours, causing the fibers to break down and conversion of starches to sugar. Chopped beets can be difficult for Vatas to digest. If this is the case, blending with warming spices before cooking is a great option. Beets pureed with cloves and black pepper is an oozing, easy-to-digest choice for weaker systems. Beet soups, such as borscht, are common in Eastern Europe. Slavic peoples often combine beets with horseradish, which is then served alongside cold cuts or sandwiches. This stimulating blend is also commonly added to a meal of meat and potatoes. In Serbia, beets play a role in winter salads and meat dishes, seasoned with salt and vinegar to drive out the seasonal chill. Nordic countries use chopped, or grated, beetroot in their meatballs and burgers. While in Northern Germany, beets are mashed with beef in a dish called 'labskaus'. Further East, in India, beets are chopped, cooked and spiced to make a common side dish. ContraindicationsUncooked beets are high in oxalic acid, which can be irritating to the kidneys in excess. In the body, this combines with calcium and/or vitamin C to form oxalates. This can progress into kidney stones.
This is particularly important when juicing beets, where it is easy to take excessive levels of oxalic acid. It is recommended that you avoid if you are experiencing a UTI or have a history of stones. Cooking completely destroys the oxalic acid, rendering it harmless. Learn about the health benefits of beets for FREEYou'll receive free access to our entire website including healthy recipes, nutritional diet plans, medicinal uses of ingredients, & ayurvedic health tips. Sign in once and you can use our website indefinitely..browse recipesAre Beets Good for My Ayurvedic Diet?Find out by taking this free, easy quiz. You'll learn your body type, and whether 'Beets' is a good fit. Complete the basic quiz in 1 minute, or go deeper with additional quizzes at your own leisure to learn more about your body.AYURVEDA'S GUIDE TO VITALITY & WHOLESOME NOURISHMENTYour Ayurvedic diet is tailored to your individual body and your specific imbalances. With an Ayurvedic diet you feel joy and satisfaction because what you are eating truly nourishes and balances you. Disease results from diets and lifestyles that are incompatible with your nature. By eating a personalized diet matched to your body, you experience optimal health. See How it Works.SERVING SIZE: 1/2 c SPECIES: Beta vulgaris FAMILY:
Amaranthaceae EAT IN: Metabolic Nature of BeetsMETABOLIC NATUREMetabolic Nature
Ayurveda assesses metabolic imbalances through 20 main biocharacteristics
Aggravating them weakens your body and causes imbalance.
By knowing which biocharacteristics are habitually imbalanced in your body, you will be able to identify and correct metabolic imbalances before you get sick.
Every biocharacteristic has an opposite which balances it (i.e. hot balances cold).
You restore balance by favoring diet and lifestyle choices that increase the opposite biocharacteristic.
CLEAR ABOUT CLEAR BIOCHARACTERISTICClear refers to anything that cleanses or flushes out wastes, or that digests ama.LIQUEFIED ABOUT LIQUEFIED BIOCHARACTERISTICSubstances that thin fluids (lower viscosity of blood plasma). These may include blood thinners or mucolytic herbs.HOT ABOUT HOT BIOCHARACTERISTICHot is identified by increased body temperature, metabolism, or inflammation.TASTESThe 6 Tastes
Taste is used to sense the most basic properties and effects of food.
Each taste has a specific medicinal effect on your body.
Cravings for food with certain tastes indicate your body is craving specific medicinal results from food.
Taste is experienced on the tongue and represents your body's reaction to foods.
Sweet taste causes physical satisfaction and attraction whereas bitter taste causes discomfort and aversion.
Kapha should use less sweet taste while Vata and Pitta would benefit from using more sweet taste.
One of the first signs of illness is that your taste and appetite for food changes.
The six tastes are sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter, and astringent.
Do you crave foods with any of the tastes below?
BITTER ABOUT BITTER BIOCHARACTERISTICBitter taste has cholagogue action - it is cold, clear, light, and stimulating. It increases digestive enzymes, laxative, and drying.SWEET ABOUT SWEET BIOCHARACTERISTICSweet refers to anything builds tissue, including macronutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins and fats.ASTRINGENT ABOUT ASTRINGENT BIOCHARACTERISTICAstringency is characterized by constriction, drawing together, or drying.DOSHASThe Three Doshas / Body Types
Ayurveda is a metabolic theory of medicine that explains individual health, tendencies, and disease patterns through the concept of doshas, which can be understood as your metabolic patterns and tendencies.
Each dosha reflects a distinct metabolic nature and describes strengths & weaknesses in bodily function, and how these affect energy levels, digestion, susceptibility to disease, and many other tendencies. Your metabolic nature not only affects your physical characteristics, but also influences your mental thought patterns, confidence, and enthusiasm. Ayurveda balances these metabolic strengths & weaknesses to support your body's vitality and prevent recurrent disease cycles. This support is a critical aid, especially in chronic or incurable disease conditions. The 3 metabolic body types (doshas), are Catabolic (Vata), Metabolic (Pitta), and Anabolic (Kapha). Through dosha, Ayurveda empowers people to identify metabolic imbalances early, break repetitive patterns of disease, and cultivate habits that support long-term vitality and well-being. Ultimately, these metabolic patterns also provide a framework for understanding yourself, including body, mind, and spiritual tendencies. GREEK MEDICINE / TEMPERAMENTSThe Four Temperaments / Humors
Ayurveda & Greek Medicine were the dominant form of medicine along the Silk Road from England to China and South Asia.
They work by assessing your metabolic type, patterns, and nature.
Greek medicine recognizes 4 metabolic temperaments, Melancholic, Choleric, Sanguine, and Phlegmatic.
PACIFIES MELANCHOLIC ABOUT MELANCHOLIC BIOCHARACTERISTICCold and dry metabolic nature. Colicky, tense. Withdrawn, pensive, anxious, and hesitant.AGGRAVATES CHOLERIC ABOUT CHOLERIC BIOCHARACTERISTICHas a hot and dry metabolic nature. Enthusiastic, vibrant and bright. In excess burns up fluids and ojas, irritable. Corresponds to high bilirubin in the blood that irritate and heat up the body and liver.PHLEGMATIC ABOUT PHLEGMATIC BIOCHARACTERISTICWet & cold. When out of balance becomes congested, stagnant, and overweight. Loving, trusting, and patient.SANGUINE ABOUT SANGUINE BIOCHARACTERISTICHot & moist. Full-blooded, vigorous. Vivacious, social, and epicurean. Bullish.OtherTissue (dhatu): RED-BLOODRed blood (Rakta Dhatu) includes red blood cells and blood vessels.Subdosha: Pitta Alochaka, Pitta Ranjaka Affinity: Bowel Poop Elimination, Cleanse And Detox, Heart Circulation Blood, Liver Gallbladder Family: Amaranthaceae Medicinal Benefits, Uses & Herbal Actions of Beets
(see all)
Experiences are Personal
Experiences vary according to the person and constitution. Individual results may vary.
The list of herbal-actions below has not be approved by the FDA and should not be used to treat a medical condition.WARMS-ABDOMENWarms the muscles and organs of the abdomen, stimulating digestion and metabolism.STRONG GENERAL-LAXATIVE Promotes a bowel movement. General laxative is an umbrella term that refers to several different types of laxatives. STIMULANT-LAXATIVEStimulant laxatives induce bowel movements by stimulating peristaltic movement (the contraction of smooth muscle in the intestines). They are effective when used on a short-term basis. On a long-term basis, they can create dependency. Aka irritant laxativSTOOL-SOFTENERSoftens hard and difficult to eliminate stool. Stool softeners are the safest and most gentle type of laxative. Examples include warm milk with ghee.INTERNAL-DETOXICANTLiquefies, dissolves, decongests or dislodges internal stagnant toxins. Decongests the lymphatic system.NERVE-RELAXANT-GROUNDINGEncourages feelings of stability and heaviness. Makes you feel settled, mentally relaxed. Mildly sedates the nervous system to ease stress. Can bring a spacey or anxious person back to earth. Reduces agitation, irritation, stress and racing thoughts.RELAXES-EYESEases tension in eye muscles, so the eyes feel less strained, often by supporting the liver.ANXIOLYTICHerbs that help people suffering from anxiety or panic. They promote a state of calm and often improve sleep. Most anxiolytic herbs are also nervines.SATISFIES-STOMACHProvides a sense of gratification and fullness in the stomach.STIMULATES-ENERGYThis category groups thyroid and adrenal stimulating herbs.NUTRITIVEAn herb that is strengthening and nourishing.SKIN-TONICAn herb that strengthens and nourishes skin, improving tone, color, moisture and complexion.ANTI-INFLAMMATORYReduces inflammation in the body. Different herbs and carriers target different body systems.ALTERATIVERestores the proper function of the body by cleansing the blood and balancing blood chemistry. In Ayurveda terms, they pacify Pitta in rakta. They were traditionally used to revitalize and detoxify after a long winter.BLOOD-THINNERHerbs that thin the blood. Helpful for people with heart disease or clogged circulation.OPTHALMICBenefits the eyes, vision tonic.VASODILATORA vasodilator is an herb that widens the blood vessels by the relaxation of smooth muscle cells within the vessel walls, thereby increasing circulation systemically or to a local area.VESSEL-TONICAn herb that improves the tone and integrity of blood vessel walls. This is helpful in easy bruising.MILD BLOOD-TONIC An herb that produces more blood cells in the body, or otherwise improves blood cell quality or hemoglobin content. Helpful for anemia and other types of deficiency. IRRITATES-KIDNEYTight, sharp pain just below ribs in the back.STRONG CHOLAGOGUE Cholagogues stimulate the production & release of bile from the liver & gallbladder. This refreshes and cleanses these organs, as well as increases bile in the small intestines. HEPATOPROTECTIVEAn herb that is capable of preventing liver damage. Many hepatoprotectives work via antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.LIVOTONICAn herb that strengthens the liver. It is helpful for people with a history of substance abuse, chronic liver issues from hepatitis and hemolytic anemias. Generally, liver tonics are oily, cool, sweet, mildly sour, or contain beta-carotene.MUSCLE-RELAXANTHerbs that relax muscles. Helpful for chronic pain or tension as well as healing from physical trauma.ANTISPASMODICHerbs that reduce or inhibit muscle spasms or cramping, such as in asthma, menstruation, hear palpitations, migraine, or IBS.STRONG BETAINE Used to reduce homocysteine in the blood, which supports proper liver function and prevents fatigue and blood clots. Improves muscle stamina and weight loss. STRONG NITRIC-OXIDE Improves circulation by dilating blood vessels. Protects blood vessels from damage. Improves athletic performance, libido, immunity, and brain health. IRONIron is necessary for the transport of oxygen in red blood cells.SAPONINSCan be used to make soap. Saponins stimulate mucus membrane secretion, liquefying mucus for easy removal (expectorant).Foods with a Similar Nature to BeetsDandelion Leaves Dandelion Leaves has these Actions in CommonBlood-thinner, Hepatoprotective, Livotonic, Alterative, Cholagogue, Internal-detoxicant, Stimulant-laxative, Anti-inflammatory, General-laxative, Irritates-kidney, Stimulates-energyTurmeric Turmeric has these Actions in CommonHepatoprotective, Vasodilator, Anti-inflammatory, Blood-tonic, Internal-detoxicant, Antispasmodic, Cholagogue, Skin-tonic, Alterative, Blood-thinnerApple (cooked) Apple (cooked) has these Actions in CommonCholagogue, Livotonic, Relaxes-eyes, General-laxative, Nerve-relaxant-grounding, Stool-softener, Internal-detoxicant, Nutritive, Warms-abdomenPomegranate Pomegranate has these Actions in CommonAlterative, Cholagogue, Nutritive, Anti-inflammatory, Internal-detoxicant, Opthalmic, Blood-tonic, Livotonic, Skin-tonicCarrot Carrot has these Actions in CommonCholagogue, Livotonic, Skin-tonic, Alterative, General-laxative, Nutritive, Blood-tonic, Internal-detoxicant, OpthalmicGarlic Garlic has these Actions in CommonStimulant-laxative, Anxiolytic, General-laxative, Vasodilator, Alterative, Blood-thinner, Internal-detoxicant, Antispasmodic, CholagogueBuckwheat Buckwheat has these Actions in CommonBlood-tonic, Nutritive, Warms-abdomen, Muscle-relaxant, Satisfies-stomach, Blood-thinner, Nerve-relaxant-grounding, Vessel-tonicTahini Tahini has these Actions in CommonBlood-tonic, Nutritive, Stimulates-energy, General-laxative, Satisfies-stomach, Warms-abdomen, Nerve-relaxant-grounding, Skin-tonicAlmonds Almonds has these Actions in CommonBlood-tonic, Nerve-relaxant-grounding, Skin-tonic, General-laxative, Nutritive, Stimulates-energy, Muscle-relaxant, Satisfies-stomachAloe Vera Juice / Gel Aloe Vera Juice / Gel has these Actions in CommonAlterative, Cholagogue, Skin-tonic, Anti-inflammatory, General-laxative, Stimulant-laxative, Blood-thinner, Internal-detoxicantHerb Supplements with a Similar Nature to BeetsAmalaki Amalaki has these Actions in CommonStool-softener, General-laxative, Hepatoprotective, Internal-detoxicant, Nutritive, Opthalmic, Relaxes-eyes, Alterative, Skin-tonic, Anti-inflammatory, Stimulates-energy, Blood-tonicDong Quai Dong Quai has these Actions in CommonStimulates-energy, Anti-inflammatory, Vasodilator, Antispasmodic, Vessel-tonic, Blood-thinner, Blood-tonic, Hepatoprotective, Internal-detoxicant, Muscle-relaxantChyavanprash Nutritive Jam Chyavanprash Nutritive Jam has these Actions in CommonAnti-inflammatory, Blood-tonic, General-laxative, Internal-detoxicant, Nutritive, Stimulant-laxative, Stimulates-energy, Alterative, Stool-softenerYarrow Yarrow has these Actions in CommonVasodilator, Alterative, Vessel-tonic, Anti-inflammatory, Antispasmodic, Blood-thinner, Cholagogue, Internal-detoxicant, LivotonicEleuthero Ginseng Eleuthero Ginseng has these Actions in CommonNerve-relaxant-grounding, Anti-inflammatory, Stimulates-energy, Antispasmodic, Anxiolytic, Blood-tonic, Hepatoprotective, Internal-detoxicant, Muscle-relaxantPunarnava Punarnava has these Actions in CommonAnti-inflammatory, Antispasmodic, Blood-tonic, Cholagogue, Internal-detoxicant, Nerve-relaxant-grounding, Stimulates-energy, Alterative, VasodilatorHoly Basil Leaf (Tulsi) Holy Basil Leaf (Tulsi) has these Actions in CommonBlood-tonic, Internal-detoxicant, Muscle-relaxant, Nerve-relaxant-grounding, Stimulates-energy, Anti-inflammatory, Vasodilator, Antispasmodic, AnxiolyticBhumyamalaki Bhumyamalaki has these Actions in CommonAlterative, Anti-inflammatory, Cholagogue, General-laxative, Hepatoprotective, Internal-detoxicant, Livotonic, Skin-tonicYogaraj Guggulu Yogaraj Guggulu has these Actions in CommonInternal-detoxicant, Muscle-relaxant, Vasodilator, Alterative, Anti-inflammatory, Antispasmodic, Anxiolytic, Blood-thinnerBelly breathing Belly breathing has these Actions in CommonGeneral-laxative, Internal-detoxicant, Muscle-relaxant, Stimulates-energy, Alterative, Antispasmodic, Anxiolytic, Blood-tonicBreathing Exercises Breathing Exercises has these Actions in CommonGeneral-laxative, Internal-detoxicant, Muscle-relaxant, Stimulates-energy, Alterative, Antispasmodic, Anxiolytic, Blood-tonicResearch: Impact of BeetsTEMPERATURE/CIRCULATIONHow did Beets affect your temperature?
How did Beets affect your ear temperature?
How did Beets affect your sweat quantity?
How did Beets affect the color of your skin?
How did Beets affect the color of your tongue body?
How did Beets affect the swelling of your tongue body?
How did Beets affect your appetite/hunger?
How did Beets affect your digestion speed?
TOXINSHow did Beets affect the amount of gas & bloating?
How did Beets affect your stool smell?
How did Beets affect the thickness & size of your tongue coating?
How did Beets affect the color of your tongue coating?
How did Beets affect your throat soreness?
How did Beets affect your urine smell?
How did Beets affect the amount of bubbles in your urine?
How did Beets affect your sweat smell?
How did Beets affect your acne?
How did Beets affect your freckles/moles?
How did Beets affect the color of your sclera (white part of eye)?
How did Beets affect the color of the lower eye lid?
HYDRATIONHow did Beets affect your urine frequency/quantity?
How did Beets affect the dryness of your skin?
How did Beets affect the puffiness of lower eye lid?
How did Beets affect the cracks on your tongue?
FLUID-THICKNESSHow did Beets affect your ear pressure?
How did Beets affect your congestion?
How did Beets affect the thickness of your mucous congestion?
NERVOUS-SYSTEMHow did Beets affect your energy levels?
How did Beets affect your muscle tension?
How did Beets affect your anxiety?
How did Beets affect the stillness of your tongue?
DIGESTIONHow did Beets affect the amount of gas & bloating?
How did Beets affect your appetite/hunger?
How did Beets affect burning sensations in digestive tract (do not include acid reflux)?
How did Beets affect your digestion speed?
TONGUEHow did Beets affect the stillness of your tongue?
How did Beets affect the thickness & size of your tongue coating?
How did Beets affect the cracks on your tongue?
How did Beets affect the color of your tongue body?
How did Beets affect the color of your tongue coating?
How did Beets affect the swelling of your tongue body?
STOOLHow did Beets affect your stool smell?
How did Beets affect your stool consistency?
How did Beets affect your stool frequency/quantity?
How did Beets affect your stool color?
How did Beets affect your stool lightness?
URINEHow did Beets affect your urine smell?
How did Beets affect your urine lightness?
How did Beets affect your urine frequency/quantity?
How did Beets affect the amount of bubbles in your urine?
How did Beets affect your urine clarity?
SWEATHow did Beets affect your sweat smell?
How did Beets affect your sweat quantity?
SKINHow did Beets affect the dryness of your skin?
How did Beets affect the color of your skin?
How did Beets affect your freckles/moles?
How did Beets affect your acne?
EYEHow did Beets affect the color of the lower eye lid?
How did Beets affect the puffiness of lower eye lid?
How did Beets affect the color of your sclera (white part of eye)?
ENTHow did Beets affect your congestion?
How did Beets affect your ear pressure?
How did Beets affect your throat soreness?
How did Beets affect the thickness of your mucous congestion?
How did Beets affect your ear temperature?
SYSTEMICHow did Beets affect your anxiety?
How did Beets affect your temperature?
How did Beets affect your energy levels?
How did Beets affect your muscle tension?
HEARTHow did Beets affect your heart pain/pressure/cramping?
How did Beets affect your heart rate?
How did Beets affect your heart rhythm?
Joyful Belly is a recognized college of biocharacteristics medicine. TRADITIONALLY INDICATED FOR THESE SYMPTOMSBeets may be beneficial for these symptoms. The suitability of any food for a condition is highly dependent on the individual. Please see your doctor before using this food to treat a medical condition.View Other Ingredients for Autumn-WinterBeets is recommended for Autumn-Winter. Check out these other Autumn-Winter foods here.HOW DOES EATING AYURVEDICALLY MAKE YOU FEEL?Eating Ayurvedically makes you feel nourished and energized. Food digests with ease when right for your body type (dosha). Healthy digestion is seen as the cornerstone of well-being in Ayurveda. Healthy digestion generally prevents illness. If you do get sick, a strong digestive fire reduces the severity of illness and increases your resilience. It also improves your mood. Once you begin eating Ayurvedically, you will feel refreshed, vital and strong.Clinical Tools & ResourcesAbout the Author John Immel, the founder of Joyful Belly, teaches people how to have a healthy diet and lifestyle with Ayurveda biocharacteristics. His approach to Ayurveda is clinical, yet exudes an ease which many find enjoyable and insightful. John also directs the Joyful Belly College of Ayurveda, offering professional clinical training in Ayurveda for over 15 years.John's interest in Ayurveda and specialization in digestive tract pathology was inspired by a complex digestive disorder acquired from years of international travel, as well as public service work in South Asia. John's commitment to the detailed study of digestive disorders reflects his zeal to get down to the roots of the problem. His hope and belief in the capacity of each & every client to improve their quality of life is nothing short of a personal passion. John's creativity in the kitchen and delight in cooking for others comes from his family oriented upbringing. In addition to his certification in Ayurveda, John holds a bachelor's degree in mathematics from Harvard University. John enjoys sharing Ayurveda within the context of his Catholic roots, and finds Ayurveda gives him an opportunity to participate in the healing mission of the Church. Jesus expressed God's love by feeding and healing the sick. That kindness is the fundamental ministry of Ayurveda as well. Outside of work, John enjoys spending time with his wife and 7 kids, and pursuing his love of theology, philosophy, and language. Comments & Impressions of 'Beets'Do you like 'beets'? Why or why not? What makes it unique? Is there something else you'd like to know about 'beets'? (5.00 out of 5 stars) 1 rating, 675 likes Sign in to review this food
Beets are high in blood building iron.
I have heard that the nutrients in beets are more bioavailable when fermented, so I often cut them up and use a lactobacillus brine. Does Ayurveda use pickled vegetables?