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(5.00 out of 5 stars) 1 rating, 694 likes SAVE FOODRECIPES WITH IT "A tale that begins with a beet will end with the devil", wrote Tom Robbins in Jitterbug Perfume. For good reason too - cooking with red beets leaves the hands looking blood-stained. A chef who slaughters beets cannot hide - only run from the scene of... 119 likes SAVE FOODRECIPES WITH IT Plantains have a festive yellow color and as you might guess, they are members of the banana family. While any Caribbean island dweller relishes a sweet banana for dessert or snacks, plantains are the preferred savory option for a meal. Plantains... 69 likes SAVE FOODRECIPES WITH IT Jackfruit is grown in subtropical lowlands. They have the largest fruit of any tree. Like fig trees, jackfruit are in the moraceae family. Footnote: The information for this article was in part gathered from a 2019 study and survey of 28 students of... Can't find an ingredient? Make sure you aren't filtering results by diet. |