Agave, the main ingredient in Tequila, has resurfaced as a health fad in recent years. Sticky and delicious agave nectar, produced from the agave plant, has been touted as a healthier sweetener because it has a slightly lower glycemic index than sugar....
The avocado fruit grows on trees, but does not ripen until after it has been picked. It has a pear shape, and a rough, dark green to black skin with tiny bumps, which earned it the name "alligator pear". Unlike other fruits, avocado isn't sweet at all,...
Replenish Electrolytes and RehydrateYou have spent a long hot afternoon tending your garden or chasing the kids and you're feeling parched. But sometimes, no matter how much water you drink, your body still feels thirsty. Simple...
Half as sweet as sugar, with a distinct 'malty' taste. Dark brown, thick and sticky. Produced from sprouted barley. When seeds sprout, some of the carbohydrates get converted to simple sugars.
Bottle gourds feel like a cross between a cucumber and pear. They are common in Asia, but new to the United States. Bottle gourd is one of the earliest cultivated plants in the world, grown for its usefulness as a water carrying device when dried and...
Brown rice syrup is a sweetener derived fby cooking rice with enzymes (usually cultured from dried barley sprouts). It is only twenty percent as sweet as regular sugar.
When Brown Sugar is called for in a recipe, you know that the result will be not only sweet, but rich in flavors and rustic. Brown sugar's homey-ness conjures images of Grandma's kitchen, breakfast pastries on winter mornings, rich and sweet. This is...
The word chia is a native american word meaning 'oily'. Chia seeds were an important food crop in central America. Chia seeds are one of the few seeds of the mint family consumed as a food. It is closely related to culinary sage.
The dark meat of chicken is oily and has a rich fat content, making it a grounding, nourishing meat for Vata and Pitta. Chicken is an excellent choice to balance conditions of dryness and debility by giving the body strong protein with a heavy dose...
Egg whites are pure protein - ojas. Without the cholesterol egg whites are better than yolks for Kapha. The gel like nature of egg white may be whipped to trap air bubbles as in a meringue. These air bubbles act as a leavening agent in many batters...
Fish is lighter than poultry or meat. Although all meat is considered heavy and tamasic, we are labeling fish as sattvic relative to poultry and red meat.
If you are constipated, try soaking a teaspoon of flax seeds in warm water for 2 hours. Soaking releases the soluble fiber in flax, which forms a slimy gel that bulks up stools for easy elimination. Its high oil content can lubricate a dry intestinal...
Lassis are a popular yogurt drink in India. A lassi is simply equal parts yogurt and water blended together, often with digestive spices like cumin and salt.
Jackfruit is grown in subtropical lowlands. They have the largest fruit of any tree. Like fig trees, jackfruit are in the moraceae family. Footnote: The information for this article was in part gathered from a 2019 study and survey of 28 students of...
The mere taste of Maple Syrup's rich aroma transports you back to nature, to the calm and cool serenity of the forest. The full bodied taste let's you know this is a whole food. It's earthy impurities add a rustic component that is likely to be rich in...
Rich and creamy, milk is a soothing balm to both body and mind. As a schoolboy, I LOVED coming home to a cool, refreshing glass of milk. Milk's mild sweetness goes down easy. On hot days it refreshed me. On cold days, a warm glass of milk with hot...
The expression "Feeling your oats" testifies to the use of oats as a tonic for increased vigor. Oats calms the nervous system by nourishing and strengthening. It is useful for insomnia and anxiety. Oats have a slimy quality (they are demulcent)...
Okra is ojas building like most plants in the mallow family. It is also slimy and astringent, a seemingly unusual combination. Since okra is also cool, it is tri-doshic. Okra is especially helpful for relieving dryness in the joints.
Glossy orange-red American Persimmons (Diospyros virginiana) grow wild from the east coast through to the Midwest. Akin to dates, Persimmons are very sweet & gooey. They are too sweet to ferment or rot, and thus perfect for drying. American persimmons...
Sugar has been produced in the Indian subcontinent since ancient times. Sugar refinement in India dates back to at least 500 B.C. Although there are many types of sugars (glucose, fructose, maltose), sucrose is the one most commonly used. Before sugar...
Seitan is made from the gluten of wheat washing wheat flour dough with water until all the starch dissolves. The insoluble gluten remains behind. Seitan is an alternative to soybean-based meat substitutes.
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Founder of Joyful Belly Ayurveda, John Immel, answers the question ‘What is Ayurveda?’