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382 likes SAVE FOODRECIPES WITH IT Okra is ojas building like most plants in the mallow family. It is also slimy and astringent, a seemingly unusual combination. Since okra is also cool, it is tri-doshic. Okra is especially helpful for relieving dryness in the joints. (5.00 out of 5 stars) 3 ratings, 890 likes SAVE FOODRECIPES WITH IT The avocado fruit grows on trees, but does not ripen until after it has been picked. It has a pear shape, and a rough, dark green to black skin with tiny bumps, which earned it the name "alligator pear". Unlike other fruits, avocado isn't sweet at all,... (4.00 out of 5 stars) 5 ratings, 827 likes SAVE FOODRECIPES WITH IT Replenish Electrolytes and RehydrateYou have spent a long hot afternoon tending your garden or chasing the kids and you're feeling parched. But sometimes, no matter how much water you drink, your body still feels thirsty. Simple... 492 likes SAVE FOODRECIPES WITH IT The dark meat of chicken is oily and has a rich fat content, making it a grounding, nourishing meat for Vata and Pitta. Chicken is an excellent choice to balance conditions of dryness and debility by giving the body strong protein with a heavy dose... 105 likes SAVE FOODRECIPES WITH IT Jaggery is raw, concentrated unrefined juice of sugar cane without separating the molasses from the crystal. It contains sucrose, invert sugars, moisture and other trace minerals and fibers of the sugar cane plant. In some cases jaggery is made from... ENZYME DEFICIENCIES