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253 likes SAVE FOODRECIPES WITH IT Red meat strongly rebuilds deficient blood. It is especially useful in late summer and early fall. Red meat increases Pitta and Kapha. Too much red meat clogs the lymphatic system (Kapha blocking Vata in rasa dhatu), and causes blood stangation... 103 likes SAVE FOODRECIPES WITH IT Lamb fat is heavy. Muscle fats are widely used in ayurveda for convalescing (recovering from illness). However, muscle (mamsa) and muscle fats (vasa) are heavy for digestion. Downstream, they cause 'sroto-rodha' or blockage of blood. After several days... 94 likes SAVE FOODRECIPES WITH IT This substantial meat builds blood and strength (balya). It's strengthening qualities (bruhana) are ideal for weak, or deficient clients. A pork stew with kale, garlic, ginger, and molasses is a tasty postpartum dish that will rebuild blood... 182 likes SAVE FOODRECIPES WITH IT Pitta has liquid element. But when Pitta symptoms appear with dryness, Vata is to blame. Deficient liver or depletion of ojas leads to dryness and inflammation. Use chicken liver to pacify Vata in the liver, moistening it, building rasa and rakta... (5.00 out of 5 stars) 2 ratings, 737 likes SAVE FOODRECIPES WITH IT Ancestors of the wild carrot came from Iran and Afghanistan, the center of genetic diversity for carrot. Carrots were bred from a species of wild carrot, called Queen Anne's Lace. Originally they were grown for their aromatic leaves and seeds. Since... (4.64 out of 5 stars) 14 ratings, 1127 likes SAVE FOODRECIPES WITH IT Turmeric is a warm, yellow, earthy, slightly bitter spice used in ritual, medicine, and cooking. Turmeric paste is applied to bride and groom before marriage in some places of India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan. Although a deep yellow color, turmeric... 108 likes SAVE FOODRECIPES WITH IT Introduction You'll feel warmed to the bone and relaxed after eating molasses. The gooey and thick nature of this sweetener gave rise to the famous phrase "as slow as molasses." One client observed these qualities, "The molasses... ENZYME DEFICIENCIES