Egg whites are a great source of protein. The egg yolks are a hearty and nourishing tonic pacifying Vata but aggravating Kapha. Egg yolks are high in cholesterol. Egg yolks are heating, and mildly aggravating to Pitta. Some people are allergic to the...
Tofu was invented in China over 2000 years ago.
The expression "Feeling your oats" testifies to the use of oats as a tonic for increased vigor. Oats calms the nervous system by nourishing and strengthening. It is useful for insomnia and anxiety. Oats have a slimy quality (they are demulcent)...
Red meat strongly rebuilds deficient blood. It is especially useful in late summer and early fall. Red meat increases Pitta and Kapha. Too much red meat clogs the lymphatic system (Kapha blocking Vata in rasa dhatu), and causes blood stangation...
Brown rice has a superior nutritional profile than white rice but it more difficult to digest. Brown rice is made by removing the husk from harvested rice grain but the bran layer and the germ are kept intact. In white rice, the bran and germ are...
Pears are an ancient fruit eaten since pre-historic times. Older varieties of pear had a hardened flesh that required hours of cooking to soften. Impossible to eat raw, the Romans stewed pears with honey and spices. Around the 18th century pears were...
This substantial meat builds blood and strength (balya). It's strengthening qualities (bruhana) are ideal for weak, or deficient clients. A pork stew with kale, garlic, ginger, and molasses is a tasty postpartum dish that will rebuild blood...
Beans are the 'musical fruit' because they contain saponins to protect themselves against insects. Saponins form the sudsy foam on the surface of a cooking pot of beans. They prevent protein digestion resulting in stagnation and gas of the bowels.
Can't find an ingredient? Make sure you aren't filtering results by diet.
Founder of Joyful Belly Ayurveda, John Immel, answers the question ‘What is Ayurveda?’