Black beans are a rich source of vegetable protein, easing any meat cravings for those seeking satiation. The shiny obsidian quality of the beans are a beautiful addition to any meal, providing an earthy depth and dark contrast. Black beans appear...
Fenugreek is one of the oldest medicinal plants. It has been used since 4000BC. It's name means "ram's horn clover". It was found in the tomb of Tutankhamen.
Barley has an ancient history, and was first cultivated in the Near East.
When most people think of dandelion, they think of pulling this pesky weed out of their manicured lawn. It's the poster child for weeds. This is especially ironic because colonists brought the dandelion to the Americas as an important medicinal plant....
Rye is hearty, heavy, mildly bitter and pungent. A great winter grain.
Beans are the 'musical fruit' because they contain saponins to protect themselves against insects. Saponins form the sudsy foam on the surface of a cooking pot of beans. They prevent protein digestion resulting in stagnation and gas of the bowels.
These white beans earned their name because of their widespread use by the navy, who considered the navy bean to be very nutritious. It is also a hardy variety easy to grow. Cannelini, Butter Beans and Great Northern Bean are two other kinds of white...
Adzuki beans are known to have originated in China where they are used extensively in traditional medicine. They are a staple in the macrobiotic diet and very popular in Japan, second only to the soybean in terms of consumption and popularity.
Promotes strength and solidity. Anabolic, but without creating stagnation. Regulates estrogen (phytoestrogens can increase or decrease estrogen as needed). Liver, Spleen Yin Tonic. Alfalfa is a urinary & GI membrane restorative. (Source: Holmes)
Beans are the 'musical fruit' because they contain saponins to protect themselves against insects. Saponins form the sudsy foam on the surface of a cooking pot of beans. They prevent protein digestion resulting in stagnation and gas of the bowels.
Pinto beans are a 'mottled' bean. Regarding their cultural importance, pinto beans are the official state vegetable of Nex Mexico, where I studied ayurveda! Pinto beans are used for refried beans and chili. They are also called 'frijoles' in Mexico.
Cooling, lymphatic decongestant, alterative, anti-inflammatory diuretic, astringent, bitter. Mild demulcent. like Cleavers but stronger decongestant.
Beans are the 'musical fruit' because they contain saponins to protect themselves against insects. Saponins form the sudsy foam on the surface of a cooking pot of beans. They prevent protein digestion resulting in stagnation and gas of the bowels.
Can't find an ingredient? Make sure you aren't filtering results by diet.
Founder of Joyful Belly Ayurveda, John Immel, answers the question ‘What is Ayurveda?’