Broccoli is packed with nutrients, high in fiber, and keeps the stomach satisfied for a long time. An entire bag of broccoli has about 100 calories, or the equivalent of two french fries at a fast food restaurant. Raw brassicas contain chemicals...
These white beans earned their name because of their widespread use by the navy, who considered the navy bean to be very nutritious. It is also a hardy variety easy to grow. Cannelini, Butter Beans and Great Northern Bean are two other kinds of white...
The astringency of the beet can cause a fuzzy feeling on the teeth.
In the Middle Ages, caraway seeds were served with a bit of sugar as a digestive after a big meal, much the way sugar coated fennel is eaten after a meal in India.
Horseradish is a sharp, acrid spice that kindles agni. It is even used in steakhouses to help digest a heavy meal. It is a strong vasodilator, bronchodilator, and diaphoretic (encourages sweating) that invigorates the whole body.
Wild rice is four species of grain from the genus zizania.
Hot, pungent, antiemetic, appetizer, digestive, spleen tonic; stimulates saliva.
Bone Marrow and bone marrow fat are the heaviest and densest of all fats. It is a strong tonic and blood builder used for debilitated clients and those who over-exert their bodies, such as athletes. It is rich in minerals.
Pitta has liquid element. But when Pitta symptoms appear with dryness, Vata is to blame. Deficient liver or depletion of ojas leads to dryness and inflammation. Use chicken liver to pacify Vata in the liver, moistening it, building rasa and rakta...
Date sugar is a complex cabrohydrate that takes longer to digest, thus releasing it's energy more slowly over time into the body. Dates contain phyto-hormones for women that tonify reproductive organs.
Less gooey than cow's milk, sharp, and easier to digest because the varied diets of goats include more pungent taste. Cures diarrhea.
Vinegar heats up digestion, but aids fat metabolism. Balsamic vinegar is made with red wine, which is hotter than other vinegars.
Cilantro is the leaf of the coriander seed. Both the leaves and the seeds have citrus overtones. Cilantro, as a cooling herb, pairs well with hot spicy dishes.
Trying to cut down on butter at the movies? Try popcorn with ghee and cinnamon. Ghee is golden and delicious. Children love it. It is also great as a garnish drizzled over food. For details on how to make ghee yourself search for "ghee" in the recipe...
Salt brings out the flavor in food and brings enthusiasm for life. While contraindicated for Kapha and high blood pressure, salt is also one of the most important medicines for Vata
Cinnamon is a small evergreen tree in the Lauraceae family native to Sri Lanka. Other members of this family include sassafras, avocado, camphor, and spicebush. Trees of the laurel family, including cinnamon, predominate in the world's laurel forests....
Cool and soothing, verdant and fragrant, fennel is a member of the carrot family that includes other popular spices such as cumin, coriander, dill and celery. Fennel is used as a flavoring in some natural toothpastes and mouth fresheners.
Limes are strongly sour, thus encouraging secretions in the digestive tract and salivary glands. These secretions improve taste, digestion, and regular elimination (functioning as a mild laxative) Limes and Cleansing Lime's sour...
Smooth, hearty tahini is the creamy butter of blended sesame seeds. This savory and sensual spread invites a Middle Eastern richness to your...
From tingly shampoos to teas and flowerbeds, mint is an inspiring, popular worldwide herb whose medicinal qualities are also extensive. Varieties of mint grow in nearly every country and climate. In Central and South America mint is called hierbabuena,...
The entire nightshade family (solanaceae) aggravates Vata and Pitta, due to the weak liver of these two body types. All peppers aggravate Pitta due to heat. Note that black pepper...
Sugar has been produced in the Indian subcontinent since ancient times. Sugar refinement in India dates back to at least 500 B.C. Although there are many types of sugars (glucose, fructose, maltose), sucrose is the one most commonly used. Before sugar...
Love for cardamom resonates through history - for instance, ancient Egyptians chewed cardamom to whiten their teeth and sweeten their breath. Cardamom helps take the edge off of caffeine in the famous drink Turkish coffee. Cardamom is a member of the...
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Founder of Joyful Belly Ayurveda, John Immel, answers the question ‘What is Ayurveda?’