LEARN MORE ABOUT SWEETENERS (5.00 out of 5 stars) 1 rating, 404 likes SAVE FOODRECIPES WITH ITAgave, the main ingredient in Tequila, has resurfaced as a health fad in recent years. Sticky and delicious agave nectar, produced from the agave plant, has been touted as a healthier sweetener because it has a slightly lower glycemic index than sugar....
(5.00 out of 5 stars) 1 rating, 21 likes SAVE FOODStudies have shown use of artificial sweeteners has no effect on weight loss, baffling scientists. Perhaps the brain does not like to be deceived, or that use of artificial sweeteners doesn't address the underlying addiction to sugars.
170 likes SAVE FOODHalf as sweet as sugar, with a distinct 'malty' taste. Dark brown, thick and sticky. Produced from sprouted barley. When seeds sprout, some of the carbohydrates get converted to simple sugars.
164 likes SAVE FOODRECIPES WITH ITBrown rice syrup is a sweetener derived fby cooking rice with enzymes (usually cultured from dried barley sprouts). It is only twenty percent as sweet as regular sugar.
313 likes SAVE FOODRECIPES WITH ITWhen Brown Sugar is called for in a recipe, you know that the result will be not only sweet, but rich in flavors and rustic. Brown sugar's homey-ness conjures images of Grandma's kitchen, breakfast pastries on winter mornings, rich and sweet. This is...
(1.00 out of 5 stars) 1 rating, 36 likes SAVE FOODCorn syrup may seem ideal for Vata individuals trying to gain weight. The fructose is converted directly into fat tissue, maximizing weight gain. However, corn syrup bypasses your natural appetite suppressing mechanisms, which lead to overconsumption...
190 likes SAVE FOODRECIPES WITH ITDate sugar is a complex cabrohydrate that takes longer to digest, thus releasing it's energy more slowly over time into the body.
54 likes SAVE FOODFructose is found naturally in tree fruits, honey, some root vegetables like beets, and in other foods. However, in commercial food products, it appears as high fructose corn syrup. It is found in many sodas.
(5.00 out of 5 stars) 1 rating, 282 likes SAVE FOODRECIPES WITH ITHoney - The Nectar of the Gods
This pure and natural heavenly gift from nature was the first sweetener known to man. Honey's sweet goodness has been an icon of abundance for centuries. It's golden syrup seems to capture the very...
105 likes SAVE FOODRECIPES WITH ITJaggery is raw, concentrated unrefined juice of sugar cane without separating the molasses from the crystal. It contains sucrose, invert sugars, moisture and other trace minerals and fibers of the sugar cane plant. In some cases jaggery is made from...
(5.00 out of 5 stars) 1 rating, 372 likes SAVE FOODRECIPES WITH ITThe mere taste of Maple Syrup's rich aroma transports you back to nature, to the calm and cool serenity of the forest. The full bodied taste let's you know this is a whole food. It's earthy impurities add a rustic component that is likely to be rich in...
114 likes SAVE FOODRECIPES WITH ITIntroduction
You'll feel warmed to the bone and relaxed after eating molasses. The gooey and thick nature of this sweetener gave rise to the famous phrase "as slow as molasses." One client observed these qualities, "The molasses...
(5.00 out of 5 stars) 1 rating, 148 likes SAVE FOODRECIPES WITH ITSugar has been produced in the Indian subcontinent since ancient times. Sugar refinement in India dates back to at least 500 B.C. Although there are many types of sugars (glucose, fructose, maltose), sucrose is the one most commonly used. Before sugar...
Learn how to assess constitution by a person's face.
(5.00 out of 5 stars) 2 ratings, 109 likes SAVE FOODRECIPES WITH ITSucanat is a variety or raw, unrefined evaporated cane sugar.
91 likes SAVE FOODRECIPES WITH ITMost white sugar comes from either beets or sugar cane. Honey was the main sweetener before refined sugar became available. There are many sugar substitutes including artificial sweeteners, fructose, sucrose, xylitol, stevia, corn syrup, agave syrup,...
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