Table of ContentsHow Does This Ayurvedic Herb Supplement Improve Wellness?CLINICAL AYURVEDIC REVIEWBlood letting is only indicated in conditions of plethroa - i.e. warm, full bodied (Pitta-Kapha) individuals with an excess of red blood (rakta dhatu). Currently, bloodletting is making a comeback for numerous conditions, such as hemochromatosis. SUGGESTED USEMetabolic Nature of Bloodletting (phlebotomy)
Foods with a Similar Nature to Bloodletting (phlebotomy)Ice cube Ice cube has these Actions in CommonAntipyretic, RefrigerantRose Petals Rose Petals has these Actions in CommonAntipyretic, RefrigerantCilantro Cilantro has these Actions in CommonAntipyretic, RefrigerantCassava Root / Yuca Cassava Root / Yuca has these Actions in CommonAntipyretic, RefrigerantJicama Jicama has these Actions in CommonRefrigerantPurslane Purslane has these Actions in CommonAntipyreticPears Pears has these Actions in CommonRefrigerantBean Sprouts Bean Sprouts has these Actions in CommonRefrigerantChicory Root Chicory Root has these Actions in CommonAntipyreticCantaloupe / Melons Cantaloupe / Melons has these Actions in CommonRefrigerantCoconut Milk Coconut Milk has these Actions in CommonRefrigerantHerb Supplements with a Similar Nature to Bloodletting (phlebotomy)Gypsum Gypsum has these Actions in CommonAntipyretic, RefrigerantSlippery Elm Slippery Elm has these Actions in CommonAntipyretic, RefrigerantGentian Gentian has these Actions in CommonAntipyretic, RefrigerantBorage Leaf Borage Leaf has these Actions in CommonAntipyretic, RefrigerantPipsissewa Pipsissewa has these Actions in CommonAntipyretic, RefrigerantWormwood Wormwood has these Actions in CommonAntipyretic, RefrigerantBarberry Barberry has these Actions in CommonAntipyretic, RefrigerantKutaja Bark Kutaja Bark has these Actions in CommonRefrigerant, AntipyreticCleavers Cleavers has these Actions in CommonAntipyretic, RefrigerantKalmegh Kalmegh has these Actions in CommonAntipyretic, RefrigerantJoyful Belly is a recognized school of biocharacteristics medicine. TRADITIONALLY INDICATED FOR THESE SYMPTOMSBloodletting (phlebotomy) may be beneficial for these symptoms. The suitability of any herb supplement for a condition is highly dependent on the individual. Please see your doctor before using this herb supplement to treat a medical condition. |