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How Does This Ayurvedic Herb Supplement Improve Wellness?
Blue cohosh is a bitter woodland plant in the same plant family as barberry, goldenseal, and oregon grape root. However, unlike barberry it is more pungent and acrid. It is also has a sweet taste, a sign of its building estrogenic nature. The word 'cohosh' is Algonquin for rough. It should not be confused with black cohosh.
Blue Cohosh root both stimulates and nourishes the uterus. It's warm, pungent nature dilates vessels and stimulates circulation, useful in amenorrhea. It's estrogenic nature directly tonifies the uterus and supports healthy blood flow. It is an effective uterine stimulant used in weakness, spasm, cold, and damp. Do not use in estrogen dominance.
Its oxytocic effect enhances labor contractions, and it has been used to induce labor. It's abortive effective is contraindicated in pregnancy. Despite it's use to induce laber, it is a muscle-relaxant. Blue cohosh is primarily uterine stimulant, secondarily antispasmodic nervous system relaxant.
As a diuretic, it clears metabolic toxins from the blood. This detoxification effect, together with its circulatory stimulating qualities, is useful in rheumatoid arthritis.
Blue cohosh is stimulating, while black cohosh is relaxing. Blue cohosh is drying, while Dong Quai is moistening. Where Blue Cohosh is hot & irritating, mugwort is cooling.
Functional Ayurveda helps you assess imbalances through 20 main biocharacteristics
Aggravating these characteristics weakens your body and causes imbalance.
By knowing which characteristics are habitually imbalanced in your body, you will be able to identify and correct imbalances before you get sick.
Every characteristic has an opposite which balances it (i.e. hot balances cold).
You restore balance by favoring diet and lifestyle choices that increase the opposite characteristic.
Taste is used to sense the most basic properties and effects of food.
Each taste has a specific medicinal effect on your body.
Cravings for food with certain tastes indicate your body is craving specific medicinal results from food.
Taste is experienced on the tongue and represents your body's reaction to foods.
Sweet taste causes physical satisfaction and attraction whereas bitter taste causes discomfort and aversion.
Kapha should use less sweet taste while Vata and Pitta would benefit from using more sweet taste.
One of the first signs of illness is that your taste and appetite for food changes.
The six tastes are sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter, and astringent.
Do you crave foods with any of the tastes below?
According to the biocharacteristic theory of medicine,
people tend to get sick, over and over again, due to habitual causes and imbalances that are unique to the person.
Your body type summarizes this tendency, showing you the 'type' of conditions and imbalances that frequently challenge your health & wellness.
Using body type, you can also identify remedies likely to improve your strength and resiliency.
Your body type identifies physical and mental characteristics as well as your personal strengths and weaknesses.
The calculation of your body type is based on your medical history.
The 3 functional body types
are Catabolic (Vata), Metabolic (Pitta), and Anabolic (Kapha).
Catabolic individuals tend to break down body mass into energy. They are easily stimulated, hyperactive, underweight and dry.
Metabolic individuals tend to burn or use energy. They tend to be rosy-cheeked, easily irritated, focused, driven, and easily inflamed.
Anabolic individuals tend to store energy as body mass. If they store too much energy, they could gain weight easily and have congestion. Anabolic people tend to be stable and grounded.
Medicinal Benefits, Uses & Herbal Actions of Blue Cohosh
Experiences are Personal
Experiences vary according to the person and constitution. Individual results may vary.
The list of herbal-actions below has not be approved by the FDA and should not be used to treat a medical condition.
Encourages feelings of stability and heaviness. Makes you feel settled, mentally relaxed. Mildly sedates the nervous system to ease stress. Can bring a spacey or anxious person back to earth. Reduces agitation, irritation, stress and racing thoughts.
Antirheumatic herbs help to ease and prevent arthritis and rheumatism. Many are also anti-inflammatory, analgesic, detoxicants and blood thinners. Antirheumatic herbs deal with problems involving the painful, stiff, swollen joints, and fatigue.
A vasodilator is an herb that widens the blood vessels by the relaxation of smooth muscle cells within the vessel walls, thereby increasing circulation systemically or to a local area.
Herbs that promote urine formation, thereby flushing the kidneys and urinary tract while eliminating any excess water retention. As diuretics reduce water retention, they are often used to reduce blood pressure.
Herbs which stimulate menstruation. Emmenagogues are used for scanty menstruation, to relieve menstrual pain, and improve blood flow in the pelvic area and uterus.
An herb that tonifies and strengthens the uterus. Helpful for menstrual difficulties and fertility. Often herbs that increase ojas, but also circulation to reproductive system.
Blue Cohosh may be beneficial for these symptoms. The suitability of any herb supplement for a condition is highly dependent on the individual.
Please see your doctor before using this herb supplement to treat a medical condition.
Blue Cohosh may be harmful or contraindicated for these symptoms.
Please see your doctor before using this herb supplement to treat a medical condition.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
The information and products on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any