Table of ContentsHow Does This Ayurvedic Herb Supplement Improve Wellness?CLINICAL AYURVEDIC REVIEWProduced in Albuquerque, NM by A. Muzda Enterprises brand. Ingredients: Sesame oil, Almond oil, Boerhaavia diffusa, Acorus calamus, Terminalia belerica, Ocimum sanctum, Curcuma longa, Sinnamomum zeylanicum SUGGESTED USEFollow these guidelines Metabolic Nature of Kapha Massage OilMETABOLIC NATUREMetabolic Nature
Ayurveda assesses metabolic imbalances through 20 main biocharacteristics
Aggravating them weakens your body and causes imbalance.
By knowing which biocharacteristics are habitually imbalanced in your body, you will be able to identify and correct metabolic imbalances before you get sick.
Every biocharacteristic has an opposite which balances it (i.e. hot balances cold).
You restore balance by favoring diet and lifestyle choices that increase the opposite biocharacteristic.
HOT ABOUT HOT BIOCHARACTERISTICHot is identified by increased body temperature, metabolism, or inflammation.MOBILE ABOUT MOBILE BIOCHARACTERISTICMobile refers to anything that stimulates the nervous system, muscles, or activity.OILY ABOUT OILY BIOCHARACTERISTICIn Ayurveda, oily refers to anything moistening. More specifically, oily refers to building substances that increases fat, or are themselves fatty. For example, sugar is Oily.TASTESThe 6 Tastes
Taste is used to sense the most basic properties and effects of food.
Each taste has a specific medicinal effect on your body.
Cravings for food with certain tastes indicate your body is craving specific medicinal results from food.
Taste is experienced on the tongue and represents your body's reaction to foods.
Sweet taste causes physical satisfaction and attraction whereas bitter taste causes discomfort and aversion.
Kapha should use less sweet taste while Vata and Pitta would benefit from using more sweet taste.
One of the first signs of illness is that your taste and appetite for food changes.
The six tastes are sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter, and astringent.
Do you crave foods with any of the tastes below?
PUNGENT ABOUT PUNGENT BIOCHARACTERISTICPungency is characterized by irritation, or sharp, spicy foods that irritate the mouth such as black pepper.DOSHASThe Three Doshas / Body Types
Ayurveda is a metabolic theory of medicine that explains individual health, tendencies, and disease patterns through the concept of doshas, which can be understood as your metabolic patterns and tendencies.
Each dosha reflects a distinct metabolic nature and describes strengths & weaknesses in bodily function, and how these affect energy levels, digestion, susceptibility to disease, and many other tendencies. Your metabolic nature not only affects your physical characteristics, but also influences your mental thought patterns, confidence, and enthusiasm. Ayurveda balances these metabolic strengths & weaknesses to support your body's vitality and prevent recurrent disease cycles. This support is a critical aid, especially in chronic or incurable disease conditions. The 3 metabolic body types (doshas), are Catabolic (Vata), Metabolic (Pitta), and Anabolic (Kapha). Through dosha, Ayurveda empowers people to identify metabolic imbalances early, break repetitive patterns of disease, and cultivate habits that support long-term vitality and well-being. Ultimately, these metabolic patterns also provide a framework for understanding yourself, including body, mind, and spiritual tendencies. GREEK MEDICINE / TEMPERAMENTSThe Four Temperaments / Humors
Ayurveda & Greek Medicine were the dominant form of medicine along the Silk Road from England to China and South Asia.
They work by assessing your metabolic type, patterns, and nature.
Greek medicine recognizes 4 metabolic temperaments, Melancholic, Choleric, Sanguine, and Phlegmatic.
PACIFIES PHLEGMATIC ABOUT PHLEGMATIC BIOCHARACTERISTICWet & cold. When out of balance becomes congested, stagnant, and overweight. Loving, trusting, and patient.AGGRAVATES CHOLERIC ABOUT CHOLERIC BIOCHARACTERISTICHas a hot and dry metabolic nature. Enthusiastic, vibrant and bright. In excess burns up fluids and ojas, irritable. Corresponds to high bilirubin in the blood that irritate and heat up the body and liver.MELANCHOLIC ABOUT MELANCHOLIC BIOCHARACTERISTICCold and dry metabolic nature. Colicky, tense. Withdrawn, pensive, anxious, and hesitant.SANGUINE ABOUT SANGUINE BIOCHARACTERISTICHot & moist. Full-blooded, vigorous. Vivacious, social, and epicurean. Bullish.OtherAffinity: SKIN-CAREIncludes skin care, and anything that nourishes epithelial membranes (of digestive, respiratory, urinary tract, blood vessels, etc).Medicinal Benefits, Uses & Herbal Actions of Kapha Massage Oil
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Experiences are Personal
Experiences vary according to the person and constitution. Individual results may vary.
The list of herbal-actions below has not be approved by the FDA and should not be used to treat a medical condition.REFRESHINGStimulates and wakes up the body, leaving it feeling cool, fresh, and energized.STIMULATES-ENERGYThis category groups thyroid and adrenal stimulating herbs.EMOLLIENTSoothes & softens the skin. Often a topical demulcent or oil.RUBEFACIENTAn herb used topically that causes dilation of the capillaries and an increase in blood circulation. The skin will appear red or flushed.SKIN-TONICAn herb that strengthens and nourishes skin, improving tone, color, moisture and complexion.BLOOD-THINNERHerbs that thin the blood. Helpful for people with heart disease or clogged circulation.VASODILATORA vasodilator is an herb that widens the blood vessels by the relaxation of smooth muscle cells within the vessel walls, thereby increasing circulation systemically or to a local area.MUSCLE-RELAXANTHerbs that relax muscles. Helpful for chronic pain or tension as well as healing from physical trauma.MUSCLE-TONICHerbs that strengthen and tone muscle tissue. Helpful for people recovering from long term illness and debility, or after a sprain.Foods with a Similar Nature to Kapha Massage OilSesame Oil Sesame Oil has these Actions in CommonMuscle-tonic, Stimulates-energy, Rubefacient, Emollient, Skin-tonicBeets Beets has these Actions in CommonMuscle-relaxant, Vasodilator, Skin-tonic, Blood-thinner, Stimulates-energySesame Seeds Sesame Seeds has these Actions in CommonRubefacient, Skin-tonic, Muscle-tonic, Stimulates-energyAlmonds Almonds has these Actions in CommonMuscle-relaxant, Stimulates-energy, Muscle-tonic, Skin-tonicAllspice Allspice has these Actions in CommonMuscle-relaxant, Vasodilator, Rubefacient, Stimulates-energyGinger (Fresh) Ginger (Fresh) has these Actions in CommonRefreshing, Stimulates-energy, Blood-thinner, VasodilatorRosemary Rosemary has these Actions in CommonMuscle-relaxant, Vasodilator, Rubefacient, Stimulates-energyMustard Seed Mustard Seed has these Actions in CommonStimulates-energy, Muscle-relaxant, Vasodilator, RubefacientMustard Mustard has these Actions in CommonRubefacient, Stimulates-energy, Muscle-relaxant, VasodilatorMustard Powder Mustard Powder has these Actions in CommonStimulates-energy, Muscle-relaxant, Vasodilator, RubefacientMustard Oil Mustard Oil has these Actions in CommonRubefacient, Vasodilator, EmollientHerb Supplements with a Similar Nature to Kapha Massage OilMahanarayan Oil Mahanarayan Oil has these Actions in CommonRubefacient, Stimulates-energy, Vasodilator, Blood-thinner, Emollient, Muscle-relaxant, Muscle-tonicVata Massage Oil Vata Massage Oil has these Actions in CommonEmollient, Muscle-relaxant, Skin-tonic, VasodilatorBalarishta- Vitality Tonic Balarishta- Vitality Tonic has these Actions in CommonMuscle-relaxant, Muscle-tonic, Stimulates-energy, EmollientAlmond Oil Almond Oil has these Actions in CommonEmollient, Muscle-relaxant, Muscle-tonic, Skin-tonicDeodar (Himalayan Cedar, Devadaru) Deodar (Himalayan Cedar, Devadaru) has these Actions in CommonVasodilator, Muscle-relaxant, Refreshing, Stimulates-energyDong Quai Dong Quai has these Actions in CommonVasodilator, Blood-thinner, Muscle-relaxant, Stimulates-energyHoly Basil Leaf (Tulsi) Holy Basil Leaf (Tulsi) has these Actions in CommonRefreshing, Stimulates-energy, Vasodilator, Muscle-relaxantJoint Balm Joint Balm has these Actions in CommonVasodilator, Blood-thinner, EmollientPrickly Ash Prickly Ash has these Actions in CommonVasodilator, Refreshing, Stimulates-energyNasya Oil Nasya Oil has these Actions in CommonRefreshing, Stimulates-energy, VasodilatorJoyful Belly is a recognized college of biocharacteristics medicine. TRADITIONALLY INDICATED FOR THESE SYMPTOMSKapha Massage Oil may be beneficial for these symptoms. The suitability of any herb supplement for a condition is highly dependent on the individual. Please see your doctor before using this herb supplement to treat a medical condition.HERB DRUG INTERACTION RISKHere are some potential herb drug interactions. Please see your health care provider for more information.
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I love your oils. When I use them, I feel like I am taking care of myself. I can trust the oils to nourish my body and my spirit. Thanks for your commitment to Ayurveda.