Table of ContentsHow Does This Ayurvedic Herb Supplement Improve Wellness?CLINICAL AYURVEDIC REVIEWSUGGESTED USEFollow these guidelines Metabolic Nature of Mayapple
Foods with a Similar Nature to MayappleGreen Tea Green Tea has these Actions in CommonAnticarcinogenic, Antiviral, DiureticCarrot Carrot has these Actions in CommonAnticarcinogenic, DiureticNigella (black cumin) Nigella (black cumin) has these Actions in CommonDiuretic, AnticarcinogenicHibiscus Hibiscus has these Actions in CommonAnticarcinogenic, DiureticGarlic Garlic has these Actions in CommonAntiviral, DiureticRosemary Rosemary has these Actions in CommonAntiviral, AnticarcinogenicGarlic (raw) Garlic (raw) has these Actions in CommonAntiviral, DiureticPopcorn Popcorn has these Actions in CommonDiureticCollard Greens Collard Greens has these Actions in CommonDiureticZucchini Zucchini has these Actions in CommonDiureticPickle (Cucumber) Pickle (Cucumber) has these Actions in CommonDiureticHerb Supplements with a Similar Nature to MayappleBloodroot Bloodroot has these Actions in CommonAntiviral, CausticBromelain Bromelain has these Actions in CommonCaustic, DiureticTriphala Ghee (9oz) Triphala Ghee (9oz) has these Actions in CommonAnticarcinogenic, DiureticAgrimony Agrimony has these Actions in CommonAnticarcinogenic, DiureticMahasudarshan Mahasudarshan has these Actions in CommonAntiviral, DiureticGeranium Geranium has these Actions in CommonDiuretic, AnticarcinogenicBhumyamalaki Bhumyamalaki has these Actions in CommonAntiviral, DiureticKushta Kushta has these Actions in CommonAntiviral, DiureticAstragalus Astragalus has these Actions in CommonAntiviral, DiureticKava Kava Kava Kava has these Actions in CommonAnticarcinogenic, DiureticJoyful Belly is a recognized school of biocharacteristics medicine. TRADITIONALLY INDICATED FOR THESE SYMPTOMSMayapple may be beneficial for these symptoms. The suitability of any herb supplement for a condition is highly dependent on the individual. Please see your doctor before using this herb supplement to treat a medical condition.HERB DRUG INTERACTION RISKHere are some potential herb drug interactions. Please see your health care provider for more information.