See My Recommendations. Table of ContentsHow Does This Ayurvedic Herb Supplement Improve Wellness?CLINICAL AYURVEDIC REVIEWSUGGESTED USE
Metabolic Nature of Yucca
Foods with a Similar Nature to YuccaPopcorn Popcorn has these Actions in CommonDiureticPickle (Cucumber) Pickle (Cucumber) has these Actions in CommonDiureticCollard Greens Collard Greens has these Actions in CommonDiureticZucchini Zucchini has these Actions in CommonDiureticCorn Corn has these Actions in CommonDiureticChard Chard has these Actions in CommonDiureticCorn Meal Corn Meal has these Actions in CommonDiureticCorn Flour Corn Flour has these Actions in CommonDiureticGrits Grits has these Actions in CommonDiureticPlum Plum has these Actions in CommonDiureticSummer Squash Summer Squash has these Actions in CommonDiureticHerb Supplements with a Similar Nature to YuccaVaranadi Kashaya Varanadi Kashaya has these Actions in CommonDiureticChitrak Chitrak has these Actions in CommonDiureticButcher's Broom Butcher's Broom has these Actions in CommonDiureticMayapple Mayapple has these Actions in CommonDiureticAsparagus root Asparagus root has these Actions in CommonDiureticCereus, Night Blooming Cactus Cereus, Night Blooming Cactus has these Actions in CommonDiureticElder flower Elder flower has these Actions in CommonDiureticTriphala Ghee (9oz) Triphala Ghee (9oz) has these Actions in CommonDiureticGravel Root Gravel Root has these Actions in CommonDiureticGeranium, Wild Geranium, Wild has these Actions in CommonDiureticJoyful Belly is a recognized school of biocharacteristics medicine. HERB DRUG INTERACTION RISKHere are some potential herb drug interactions. Please see your health care provider for more information.