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(2.00 out of 5 stars) 1 rating SAVE HERB A revitalizing aphrodisiac and tonic that encourages weight loss and improves thyroid function. SAVE HERB Bittersweet, hot emmenagogue that stimulates and nourishes the uterus, while relaxing the nervous system. SAVE HERB Nourishing reproductive tonic & cooling, decongesting diuretic. Calms the nerves & reduces pain. SAVE HERB Cold, astringent, bitter stomachic and digestive. The secret ingredient in pepsi cola. May help with peptic issues. Digestive and cholagogue like Dandelion rt but a stomachic. SAVE HERB Pungent, bitter and, aromatic formula whose name means 'moon light.' Ideal genito-urinary cleanser with shilajit and guduchi. Aids bones, and thyroid. Anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic. SAVE HERB Cold, bittersweet digestive, livotonic and cholagogue. Regulates blood sugar. Sweeter than Dandelion leaf, which is more bitter and a diuretic. SAVE HERB Nourishing tonic for the urinary tract well as the reproductive organs. Strong detoxicant action reduces urinary stones, gallstones, and gout. Detoxifies urinary tract and lymphatic system. Anti-inflammatory. Muscle relaxant. SAVE HERB A mineral rich, nourishing diuretic, vulnerary, and connective tissue tonic. Hypoallergenic. SAVE HERB Punarnavadi Guggulu is a powerful detoxicant, diuretic & laxative that purges water-logged tissues. Its hot, dry, and light nature supports circulation of lymph and blood. Reduces puffiness and swelling. Promotes comfortable movement of joints. 1 | 2 |