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SAVE HERB A strong anti-viral to help your immune system effectively fight off and recover from viral infections. BEARSFOOT (POLYMNIA UVEDALIA)BEGGAR'S TICKS (BIDENS VULGATA)BETONY (STACHYS BETONICA)BITTERSWEET (CELASTRUS SCANDENS)SAVE HERB Smooth muscle relaxant for pregnancy, PMS, and infertility. Progesteronic. Astringent. SAVE HERB Blood root is a caustic, antiviral agent used in skin cancer and warts. SAVE HERB Febrifuge (lowers fever) and a diaphoretic (induces sweating), acting to reduce the aches and pains of flu-like symptoms. BUGLEWEED (LYCOPUS VIRGINICUS)SAVE HERB This traditional liver tonic cleanses your blood and lymph system. Exceptionally effective to calm rashes, clear congestion, reduce swelling,fever, and remove toxins. SAVE HERB Heals wounds, promotes sweating, decongests the lymph. Clear heat from liver. Astringent hemostatic. CELANDINE (CHELIDONIUM MAJUS) |