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FEVERFEW (TANACETUM PARTHENIUM)SAVE HERB This powerful immune tonic will make you sweat out any cold or flu! Also shown to lower blood pressure. GHOST PIPE (INDIAN PIPE) (MONOTROPA UNIFLORA)SAVE HERB Cooling & improves circulation. Brain tonic. Vessel tonic. Calms immune system, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant. SAVE HERB A warming adaptogen & bitter stimulant indicated in debility, exhaustion, weight loss & diabetes SAVE HERB Kick up your immunity with this powerful herbal anti-biotic tincture. Receive maximum benefit in this easy-to-digest preparation, so you get better from a cold or flu fast! Also effective in long-term, chronic infections. SAVE HERB Relaxant digestive ideal for IBS, nervous stomach. Pungent bitter. Calms fever. Diuretic. SAVE HERB Cool, bitter, dry, astringent, anti-inflammatory, decongestant, circulatory stimulant, and diuretic. Relaxes ureter smooth muscle by reducing congestion and inflammation, and facilitates passage of renal calculi. JAMAICAN DOGWOOD (PISCIDIA ERYTHRINA) |