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(5.00 out of 5 stars) 3 ratings SAVE HERB Sour rejuvenative and anti-inflammatory. Cooling alterative and detoxicant. Astringent yet dilates capillary beds. (5.00 out of 5 stars) 2 ratings SAVE HERB Ghee is one of the most important medicines in Ayurveda because it is easy to digest and builds excellent tissue. Ghee is lighter, improves fat metabolism and has much less cholesterol than butter. SAVE HERB Sweet, cooling demulcent that soothes, reduces harshness and heals wounds. It improves energy and stress tolerance, increases weight, and builds moisture and estrogen. SAVE HERB A luxurious, creamy whole food rich in nutritious oils. This tropical treat makes a great dessert, and actually helps you lose weight. (5.00 out of 5 stars) 1 rating SAVE HERB Ghee is lighter, improves fat metabolism and has much less cholesterol than butter SAVE HERB Licorice ghee is used to soften the digestive tract, to tonify the kidneys and help retain water. Watch the Introduction to Licorice Root (4.75 out of 5 stars) 4 ratings SAVE HERB This nourishing herb relieves burning sensations in the gut, and is renowned as a female reproductive tonic. SAVE HERB Pungent, bitter and, aromatic formula whose name means 'moon light.' Ideal genito-urinary cleanser with shilajit and guduchi. Aids bones, and thyroid. Anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic. |