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SAVE HERB Cold, acrid, immune tonic, stimulant, modulator. Antimicrobial & antiseptic ~ Goldenseal but also antiviral. Mucus and lymphatic decongestant, diaphoretic. Specific for emaciation and debility. Alterative, anti-inflammatory. SAVE HERB Nourishing tonic for the urinary tract well as the reproductive organs. Strong detoxicant action reduces urinary stones, gallstones, and gout. Detoxifies urinary tract and lymphatic system. Anti-inflammatory. Muscle relaxant. SAVE HERB Cool, dry, acrid lithotroph and diuretic helpful in promoting the dissolution and elimination of renal calculi and to prevent calculi forming. Specifically helpful for dysuria, irritable bladder, increased urinary sediment, dark/cloudy urine, or urine. SAVE HERB A mineral rich, nourishing diuretic, vulnerary, and connective tissue tonic. Hypoallergenic. SAVE HERB "Purge me with hyssop," the Bible records, "and I will be clean." Hyssop brings the ability to breath deeply. It's aromatic, camphor like smell cleanses obstructions and relieves chest tightness, while releasing heavy emotions from the lungs as well,... SAVE HERB The word 'Jasmine' is derived from the Persian word 'Yasmine' which is translated into 'Gift of God'. This delicate flower bestows a feeling of love and gently nourishes the reproductive system. Jasmine opens the heart and bestows a feeling of love. It... SAVE HERB Punarnavadi Guggulu is a powerful detoxicant, diuretic & laxative that purges water-logged tissues. Its hot, dry, and light nature supports circulation of lymph and blood. Reduces puffiness and swelling. Promotes comfortable movement of joints. 1 | 2 |