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(5.00 out of 5 stars) 2 ratings SAVE HERB Ghee is one of the most important medicines in Ayurveda because it is easy to digest and builds excellent tissue. Ghee is lighter, improves fat metabolism and has much less cholesterol than butter. SAVE HERB A sweet tasting, affectionate reproductive tonic and cooling demulcent. Tridoshic herb that reduces blood fats & sugar while constricting vessels. SAVE HERB Emollient best known for its ability to soften, soothe, and re-condition the skin. SAVE HERB An excellent muscle massage oil based on the ever popular and highly effective Injur-Heal oil. Suitable for use on bruises, strains, general aches, and after strenuous exercise. A wonderful way to treat your sore and exhausted body, and is best... SAVE HERB Cooling anabolic muscle strengthening, diuretic. Clears urinary heat, infection, accumulation. Replenishes fluids (demulcent), reduces nephrotoxicity, acts as nephroprotective (antioxidant). Banned by FDA. Like Ashwagandha but sweeter, cooler SAVE HERB The key ingredient in this fermented tonic is the Ayurvedic herb Bala. Bala is known for giving stamina or inner strength. This tonic strengthens your muscles. SAVE HERB Sweet blood builder that also curbs the appetite. (5.00 out of 5 stars) 1 rating SAVE HERB Ghee is lighter, improves fat metabolism and has much less cholesterol than butter SAVE HERB Nutritive, strengthening tonic for debility & restoration. Relaxing nervine for anxiety. (4.75 out of 5 stars) 4 ratings SAVE HERB This nourishing herb relieves burning sensations in the gut, and is renowned as a female reproductive tonic. SAVE NUTRACEUTICAL Used to reduce homocysteine in the blood, which supports proper liver function and prevents fatigue and blood clots. Improves muscle stamina and weight loss. SAVE EXERCISE, STRETCH & BODYWORK Move every 90 minutes to keep your circulation moving. Sitting for too long creates risk of clotting and injures the circulatory system. SAVE EXERCISE, STRETCH & BODYWORK Practice slow, smooth contractions to improve tone and move blood. 1 | 2 |