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(5.00 out of 5 stars) 1 rating SAVE HERB Ghee is lighter, improves fat metabolism and has much less cholesterol than butter (4.60 out of 5 stars) 5 ratings SAVE HERB Immune and respiratory tonic for cold, weak, underweight Vata. Sweet, sour, & spicy. Prevents seasonal colds and flus, improves circulation, metabolism, digestion. Nerve tonic and whole body rejuvenative especially during periods of stress. (4.75 out of 5 stars) 4 ratings SAVE HERB This nourishing herb relieves burning sensations in the gut, and is renowned as a female reproductive tonic. SAVE HERB A sweet tasting, affectionate reproductive tonic and cooling demulcent. Tridoshic herb that reduces blood fats & sugar while constricting vessels. SAVE HERB Sweet blood builder that also curbs the appetite. SAVE HERB The key ingredient in this fermented tonic is the Ayurvedic herb Bala. Bala is known for giving stamina or inner strength. This tonic strengthens your muscles. |