PREPARATION OF THIS HEALTHY RECIPE1. Place beets in a large pot. Add enough water to just cover beets. Bring to a boil, and cook until tender (about 30 minutes). Remove, cool and peel the beets, reserving 1c beet water. The skin should come off easily after cooking.
How Does This Ayurvedic Recipe Improve Wellness?CLINICAL AYURVEDIC REVIEWAYURVEDA'S GUIDE TO VITALITY & WHOLESOME NOURISHMENTYour Ayurvedic diet is tailored to your individual body and your specific imbalances. With an Ayurvedic diet you feel joy and satisfaction because what you are eating truly nourishes and balances you. Disease results from diets and lifestyles that are incompatible with your nature. By eating a personalized diet matched to your body, you experience optimal health. See How it Works.Is Pickled Beets with Cloves Good for My Ayurvedic Diet?Find out by taking this free, easy quiz. You'll learn your body type, and whether 'Pickled Beets with Cloves' is a good fit. Complete the basic quiz in 1 minute, or go deeper with additional quizzes at your own leisure to learn more about your body.METABOLIC NATUREMetabolic Nature
Ayurveda assesses metabolic imbalances through 20 main biocharacteristics
Aggravating them weakens your body and causes imbalance.
By knowing which biocharacteristics are habitually imbalanced in your body, you will be able to identify and correct metabolic imbalances before you get sick.
Every biocharacteristic has an opposite which balances it (i.e. hot balances cold).
You restore balance by favoring diet and lifestyle choices that increase the opposite biocharacteristic.
HOT ABOUT HOT BIOCHARACTERISTICHot is identified by increased body temperature, metabolism, or inflammation.CLEAR ABOUT CLEAR BIOCHARACTERISTICClear refers to anything that cleanses or flushes out wastes, or that digests ama.EASY ABOUT EASY BIOCHARACTERISTICEasy refers to anything easy to digest, or digests quickly.LIGHT ABOUT LIGHT BIOCHARACTERISTICLightness is identified by reduced weight.LIQUEFIED ABOUT LIQUEFIED BIOCHARACTERISTICSubstances that thin fluids (lower viscosity of blood plasma). These may include blood thinners or mucolytic herbs.TASTESThe 6 Tastes
Taste is used to sense the most basic properties and effects of food.
Each taste has a specific medicinal effect on your body.
Cravings for food with certain tastes indicate your body is craving specific medicinal results from food.
Taste is experienced on the tongue and represents your body's reaction to foods.
Sweet taste causes physical satisfaction and attraction whereas bitter taste causes discomfort and aversion.
Kapha should use less sweet taste while Vata and Pitta would benefit from using more sweet taste.
One of the first signs of illness is that your taste and appetite for food changes.
The six tastes are sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter, and astringent.
Do you crave foods with any of the tastes below?
ASTRINGENT ABOUT ASTRINGENT BIOCHARACTERISTICAstringency is characterized by constriction, drawing together, or drying.BITTER ABOUT BITTER BIOCHARACTERISTICBitter taste has cholagogue action - it is cold, clear, light, and stimulating. It increases digestive enzymes, laxative, and drying.PUNGENT ABOUT PUNGENT BIOCHARACTERISTICPungency is characterized by irritation, or sharp, spicy foods that irritate the mouth such as black pepper.DOSHASThe Three Doshas / Body Types
Ayurveda is a metabolic theory of medicine that explains individual health, tendencies, and disease patterns through the concept of doshas, which can be understood as your metabolic patterns and tendencies.
Each dosha reflects a distinct metabolic nature and describes strengths & weaknesses in bodily function, and how these affect energy levels, digestion, susceptibility to disease, and many other tendencies. Your metabolic nature not only affects your physical characteristics, but also influences your mental thought patterns, confidence, and enthusiasm. Ayurveda balances these metabolic strengths & weaknesses to support your body's vitality and prevent recurrent disease cycles. This support is a critical aid, especially in chronic or incurable disease conditions. The 3 metabolic body types (doshas), are Catabolic (Vata), Metabolic (Pitta), and Anabolic (Kapha). Through dosha, Ayurveda empowers people to identify metabolic imbalances early, break repetitive patterns of disease, and cultivate habits that support long-term vitality and well-being. Ultimately, these metabolic patterns also provide a framework for understanding yourself, including body, mind, and spiritual tendencies. GREEK MEDICINE / TEMPERAMENTSThe Four Temperaments / Humors
Ayurveda & Greek Medicine were the dominant form of medicine along the Silk Road from England to China and South Asia.
They work by assessing your metabolic type, patterns, and nature.
Greek medicine recognizes 4 metabolic temperaments, Melancholic, Choleric, Sanguine, and Phlegmatic.
PACIFIES CHOLERIC ABOUT CHOLERIC BIOCHARACTERISTICHas a hot and dry metabolic nature. Enthusiastic, vibrant and bright. In excess burns up fluids and ojas, irritable. Corresponds to high bilirubin in the blood that irritate and heat up the body and liver.MELANCHOLIC ABOUT MELANCHOLIC BIOCHARACTERISTICCold and dry metabolic nature. Colicky, tense. Withdrawn, pensive, anxious, and hesitant.PHLEGMATIC ABOUT PHLEGMATIC BIOCHARACTERISTICWet & cold. When out of balance becomes congested, stagnant, and overweight. Loving, trusting, and patient.SANGUINE ABOUT SANGUINE BIOCHARACTERISTICHot & moist. Full-blooded, vigorous. Vivacious, social, and epicurean. Bullish.OtherSubtaste: ACRIDAcrid taste is a combination of bitter and pungent tastes. Example include radish, turnip, and coffee.AROMATICHerbs or spices with volatile essential oils that present strong aromas. Aromatic oils shock, refresh and numb tissue, with the end result of relaxing, opening and clearing stagnant fluids in tissues.Medicinal Benefits, Uses & Herbal Actions of Pickled Beets with Cloves
(see all)
Experiences are Personal
Experiences vary according to the person and constitution. Individual results may vary.
The list of herbal-actions below has not be approved by the FDA and should not be used to treat a medical condition.WARMS-ABDOMENWarms the muscles and organs of the abdomen, stimulating digestion and metabolism.APPETITE-SUPPRESSANTSuppresses hunger without causing weight gain.GENERAL-LAXATIVEPromotes a bowel movement. General laxative is an umbrella term that refers to several different types of laxatives.INTERNAL-DETOXICANTLiquefies, dissolves, decongests or dislodges internal stagnant toxins. Decongests the lymphatic system.NUMBS-ANASTHETICInhibits sensation in a particular area.NERVE-RELAXANT-GROUNDINGEncourages feelings of stability and heaviness. Makes you feel settled, mentally relaxed. Mildly sedates the nervous system to ease stress. Can bring a spacey or anxious person back to earth. Reduces agitation, irritation, stress and racing thoughts.STRENGTHENS-RESOLVEIncreases determination and courage by reducing stress and building strength.RELAXES-EYESEases tension in eye muscles, so the eyes feel less strained, often by supporting the liver.ANXIOLYTICHerbs that help people suffering from anxiety or panic. They promote a state of calm and often improve sleep. Most anxiolytic herbs are also nervines.SATISFIES-STOMACHProvides a sense of gratification and fullness in the stomach.STIMULATES-ENERGYThis category groups thyroid and adrenal stimulating herbs.DIAPHORETICAn herb that induces sweating, often by dilating blood vessels close to the skin.WARMS-CHESTWarms the chest and lungs, clearing mucus and allowing for clear breathing. Often these herbs are hot, aromatic, and pungent.SOOTHES-THROATSoothes throat discomfort, including from a sore or ticklish throat.FLUSHES-SINUSESAn herb that relieves sinus congestion by flushing out mucus.EXPECTORANTExpectorants help you eliminate mucus from the lungs. These herbs often work by increasing the quantity of mucus, or thinning the mucus. Expectorants are indicated when phlegm congests the lower respiratory tract.FLUSHES-MEMBRANESHerbs in this category stimulate mucus membranes to release fluids, flushing them out.ANTIMICROBIALAn agent that kills microorganisms or inhibits their growth. Antimicrobial is an umbrella term that can be broken down into specific categories of target microorganism, such as anti-bacterials, fungals, and virals.WARMS-EARSStimulates peripheral circulation to warm extremities, including the ears.WARMS-HEADAn herb that increases sensations of heat and warmth in the head.CARDIAC-STIMULANTHerbs that increase the heart rate. Useful in cardiovascular health, blood stagnation, and subjective feeling of heaviness in the chest area.ALTERATIVERestores the proper function of the body by cleansing the blood and balancing blood chemistry. In Ayurveda terms, they pacify Pitta in rakta. They were traditionally used to revitalize and detoxify after a long winter.VASODILATORA vasodilator is an herb that widens the blood vessels by the relaxation of smooth muscle cells within the vessel walls, thereby increasing circulation systemically or to a local area.IRRITATES-KIDNEYTight, sharp pain just below ribs in the back.CHOLAGOGUECholagogues stimulate the production & release of bile from the liver & gallbladder. This refreshes and cleanses these organs, as well as increases bile in the small intestines.LIVOTONICAn herb that strengthens the liver. It is helpful for people with a history of substance abuse, chronic liver issues from hepatitis and hemolytic anemias. Generally, liver tonics are oily, cool, sweet, mildly sour, or contain beta-carotene.MUSCLE-RELAXANTHerbs that relax muscles. Helpful for chronic pain or tension as well as healing from physical trauma.POLYPHENOLSPolyphenols are powerful antioxidants seen in many fruits and vegetables. There are more than 8,000 types.BETAINEUsed to reduce homocysteine in the blood, which supports proper liver function and prevents fatigue and blood clots. Improves muscle stamina and weight loss.NITRIC-OXIDEImproves circulation by dilating blood vessels. Protects blood vessels from damage. Improves athletic performance, libido, immunity, and brain health.IRONIron is necessary for the transport of oxygen in red blood cells.SAPONINSCan be used to make soap. Saponins stimulate mucus membrane secretion, liquefying mucus for easy removal (expectorant).Foods with a Similar Nature to Pickled Beets with ClovesMustard Powder Mustard Powder has these Actions in CommonDiaphoretic, Flushes-sinuses, Stimulates-energy, Warms-abdomen, Warms-head, Antimicrobial, Expectorant, Internal-detoxicant, Strengthens-resolve, Warms-chest, Cardiac-stimulant, Flushes-membranes, Muscle-relaxant, Vasodilator, Warms-earsMustard Mustard has these Actions in CommonAntimicrobial, Expectorant, Internal-detoxicant, Strengthens-resolve, Warms-chest, Cardiac-stimulant, Flushes-membranes, Muscle-relaxant, Vasodilator, Warms-ears, Diaphoretic, Flushes-sinuses, Stimulates-energy, Warms-abdomen, Warms-headMustard Seed Mustard Seed has these Actions in CommonCardiac-stimulant, Flushes-membranes, Muscle-relaxant, Vasodilator, Warms-ears, Diaphoretic, Flushes-sinuses, Stimulates-energy, Warms-abdomen, Warms-head, Antimicrobial, Expectorant, Internal-detoxicant, Strengthens-resolve, Warms-chestBeets Beets has these Actions in CommonCholagogue, Irritates-kidney, Nerve-relaxant-grounding, Stimulates-energy, Alterative, General-laxative, Livotonic, Relaxes-eyes, Vasodilator, Anxiolytic, Internal-detoxicant, Muscle-relaxant, Satisfies-stomach, Warms-abdomenCloves Cloves has these Actions in CommonAntimicrobial, Diaphoretic, Nerve-relaxant-grounding, Warms-abdomen, Warms-head, Anxiolytic, Expectorant, Numbs-anasthetic, Warms-chest, Cardiac-stimulant, Internal-detoxicant, Vasodilator, Warms-earsGarlic (raw) Garlic (raw) has these Actions in CommonInternal-detoxicant, Warms-chest, Cholagogue, Flushes-sinuses, Vasodilator, Antimicrobial, Diaphoretic, General-laxative, Warms-abdomen, Cardiac-stimulant, ExpectorantDaikon Radish Daikon Radish has these Actions in CommonDiaphoretic, General-laxative, Warms-chest, Cardiac-stimulant, Expectorant, Stimulates-energy, Warms-head, Cholagogue, Flushes-sinuses, Warms-abdomenHorseradish Horseradish has these Actions in CommonWarms-abdomen, Antimicrobial, Diaphoretic, General-laxative, Warms-chest, Cardiac-stimulant, Expectorant, Vasodilator, Cholagogue, Flushes-sinusesWasabi Wasabi has these Actions in CommonWarms-chest, Cardiac-stimulant, Expectorant, Vasodilator, Cholagogue, Flushes-sinuses, Warms-abdomen, Antimicrobial, Diaphoretic, General-laxativeWhite Vinegar White Vinegar has these Actions in CommonAlterative, Diaphoretic, General-laxative, Appetite-suppressant, Expectorant, Internal-detoxicant, Cholagogue, Flushes-membranes, LivotonicApple Cider Vinegar Apple Cider Vinegar has these Actions in CommonAppetite-suppressant, Expectorant, Internal-detoxicant, Cholagogue, Flushes-membranes, Livotonic, Alterative, Diaphoretic, General-laxativeHerb Supplements with a Similar Nature to Pickled Beets with ClovesHoly Basil Leaf (Tulsi) Holy Basil Leaf (Tulsi) has these Actions in CommonNerve-relaxant-grounding, Antimicrobial, Stimulates-energy, Anxiolytic, Vasodilator, Cardiac-stimulant, Warms-chest, Diaphoretic, Warms-ears, Expectorant, Warms-head, Internal-detoxicant, Muscle-relaxantEpsom Salt Bath Epsom Salt Bath has these Actions in CommonWarms-chest, Cardiac-stimulant, Warms-head, Diaphoretic, Expectorant, Flushes-membranes, Flushes-sinuses, Internal-detoxicant, Muscle-relaxant, Vasodilator, AnxiolyticHot Bath Hot Bath has these Actions in CommonExpectorant, Flushes-membranes, Flushes-sinuses, Muscle-relaxant, Vasodilator, Anxiolytic, Warms-chest, Cardiac-stimulant, Warms-head, DiaphoreticHot Shower Hot Shower has these Actions in CommonVasodilator, Warms-chest, Cardiac-stimulant, Warms-head, Diaphoretic, Expectorant, Flushes-membranes, Flushes-sinuses, Muscle-relaxantEncourage a Sweat / Sweat Therapy Encourage a Sweat / Sweat Therapy has these Actions in CommonDiaphoretic, Flushes-membranes, Internal-detoxicant, Muscle-relaxant, Nerve-relaxant-grounding, Vasodilator, Anxiolytic, Cardiac-stimulantInhale Steam Inhale Steam has these Actions in CommonSoothes-throat, Vasodilator, Warms-chest, Warms-head, Diaphoretic, Expectorant, Flushes-membranes, Flushes-sinusesWild Ginger Wild Ginger has these Actions in CommonInternal-detoxicant, Stimulates-energy, Vasodilator, Warms-chest, Warms-ears, Cardiac-stimulant, Diaphoretic, ExpectorantBelly breathing Belly breathing has these Actions in CommonStimulates-energy, Alterative, Anxiolytic, Cardiac-stimulant, Expectorant, General-laxative, Internal-detoxicant, Muscle-relaxantBreathing Exercises Breathing Exercises has these Actions in CommonMuscle-relaxant, Stimulates-energy, Alterative, Anxiolytic, Cardiac-stimulant, Expectorant, General-laxative, Internal-detoxicantBellows Breath (Bhastrika Pranayama) Bellows Breath (Bhastrika Pranayama) has these Actions in CommonCardiac-stimulant, Expectorant, General-laxative, Internal-detoxicant, Muscle-relaxant, Stimulates-energy, Alterative, AnxiolyticBreath of Fire / Shining Skull (Kapalbhati Pranayama) Breath of Fire / Shining Skull (Kapalbhati Pranayama) has these Actions in CommonCardiac-stimulant, Expectorant, General-laxative, Internal-detoxicant, Muscle-relaxant, Stimulates-energy, Alterative, AnxiolyticJoyful Belly is a recognized college of biocharacteristics medicine. Eat Well for Life With Ayurveda: Balance Your DoshaView Other Healthy Recipes for
This recipe is recommended for Spring. Check out these other Spring recipes here.