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It includes access to the entire website with detailed ayurvedic descriptions.
Our goal is more than just a fabulous recipe collection; we aim to teach the underlying principles of ayurveda.
That way you have the tools to heal yourself.
Personal diets on Joyful Belly are filled with yummy treats just for you.
Your diet plan includes a whole online book of tasty, healthy recipes.
Your diet plan also includes your personal grocery list and spice cabinet so you won't need to
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Plus, our advanced search tool highlights contraindicated recipes making searching easier.
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Clients want variety in their diet. They want detailed explanations. Joyful Belly makes ayurvedic diets easier to follow. It takes less than a minute to create a diet for your client and saves you time explaining recipes. Just go to the 'Create a diet' page after signing in! Joyful Belly is a valuable, advanced diet research tool. Add your name to our online directory!
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* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
The information and products on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any