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73 likes SAVE RECIPE Start your day with 'Parsnip Homefries with Chard & Fennel' and enjoy a warm meal before work. This hearty dish will sustain you until lunchtime due to the grounding sweetness and heavy nature of parsnip and garlic. Combined with the crunchy, bitter... 190 likes SAVE RECIPE Coat some juicy portobello mushrooms in your own homemade barbecue sauce. Each flavor filled bite will leave you wanting more of this sweet, smoky and spicy blend and wondering how you've only just discovered this recipe now. Enjoy outside on a warm... 194 likes SAVE RECIPE These turkey sausages are flavorsome, light and easy to digest. Serve as a weekend breakfast option or at your next family barbecue. You'll feel satisfied and energized. Fresh parsley and basil are pungent and carminative in nature, meaning they... 48 likes SAVE RECIPE These fries pacify Kapha due to Daikon's unique sharp and bitter taste. Meanwhile, mint aids digestion while making the dish sweeter. |