It's not hard to see why Carrot Juice has been called a 'tiny ginseng.' This sweet & exhilarating juice boosts your energy, called prana in...
Bananas with Lemon Juice and Cilantro is a sweet, refreshing and restorative summer snack. Lemon and cilantro add a fresh and zesty taste to your appetite for excitement in the summer. It is common in India to serve fruit with spices. This spicey fruit...
Refresh yourself this summer with a Cucumber & Coconut Cooler. Ever hear the phrase, "Cool as a cucumber?" Cucumber is known as an herbal refrigerant, which means it naturally cools you down. Coconut water also cools while rebuilding electrolytes. Sip...
Sweet, sticky, sour and cooling. Fresh cane juice is popular with street vendors on every corner overseas in Asia but oddly invisible in the west.
This fruity combination offers a ripe pucker of juicy refreshment on a hot summer day. Coconut's nourishing sweetness and pomegranate's tart red 'pop' is a balm for summer heat and irritation. You'll feel gently cleansed of reactive summertime...
Sun kissed, but cool, sweet, and perfumed with pink. Early morning before sunrise, I say a prayer and imagine the morning sky blending into orange juice and rose petal.
Herbal juices nourish as they heal. Sweet spices add stimulation to the rejuvenating fruits of the vine. This simple recipe was inspired by Dr. Vasant Lad's "The Textbook of Ayurveda".
Refresh yourself on a hot summer night with this ruby red and sparkling cocktail, alcohol free.
A sip of Pomegranate Lime Spritzer on a hot day slices through muggy heat like jumping into a cool mountain stream. A bright combination of sweet, sour and astringent, pomegranate juice bursts with flavor. Its light yet rich sweetness simmers down...
Founder of Joyful Belly Ayurveda, John Immel, answers the question ‘What is Ayurveda?’