Ayurvedic kitchari's are India's chicken soup and the congee equivalent of Chinese medicine. This kitchari includes cilantro and coconut and is adapted from Dr. Lad's book Ayurvedic Cooking for Self Healing.
Experiment with citrus and spicy salads. Ginger and lemon add zest and freshness. Fennel adds a unique tone to oranges. Inspired by an Appetizer at Zerza in New York City.
Tart with exotic overtones of saffron, this golden hued lemonade is sure to delight guests at your next summer celebration. Saffron softens lemon's tartness, adding depth and character to this classic summer refreshment. Luxurious to your tastebuds,...
The crisp crunch of 'Seaweed and Baby Kale Tabouli' will refresh and revitalize the body on a warm afternoon. Prepare for lunch and enjoy outside under an early summer blue sky, or bring to work and brighten up a long day. You'll feel light and...
Founder of Joyful Belly Ayurveda, John Immel, answers the question ‘What is Ayurveda?’