Experiment with mint lemonades and other herbs & aromatic drinks. Discovered in Cafe Baraka, Cambridge, MA. Popular in Tunisia & North Africa.
Coconut provides an undertone while fresh mint livens. Sunflower seed pesto is perfect as a dip or salad dressing.
Ayurvedic kitchari's are India's chicken soup and the congee equivalent of Chinese medicine. This kitchari includes cilantro and coconut and is adapted from Dr. Lad's book Ayurvedic Cooking for Self Healing.
Herbal juices nourish as they heal. Sweet spices add stimulation to the rejuvenating fruits of the vine. This simple recipe was inspired by Dr. Vasant Lad's "The Textbook of Ayurveda".
Bring back the bitters! In nature the predominant taste is bitter. Every time you eat bitters you are bringing your body back to nature, the diet we ate in paleolithic times. Not so great for Vata but Kapha pacifying.
Tart with exotic overtones of saffron, this golden hued lemonade is sure to delight guests at your next summer celebration. Saffron softens lemon's tartness, adding depth and character to this classic summer refreshment. Luxurious to your tastebuds,...
A great summertime drink!
On hot & lazy summer mornings, start your day with a refreshing, thirst quenching breakfast that replenishes your strength and vitality. This delicious smoothie is loved by kids and adults alike, and it's easy enough to blend up when friends and...
Sweet banana and meets green, bitter spirulina and warm honey.
Refreshing like dew on a fern.
Warm, rich, heavy, and golden. Saffron adds depth and delicacy to the sticky, juicy sensuality of a mangoes. Bring a toothpick!
Explore your creativity with sour smoothies. Apples with Ginger and Cardamom. Discovered in Albuquerque, NM.
This middle eastern inspired recipe will cool you down on a hot day.
Soft cooked pears are a balm for the heart and comforting in the tummy. Pear's sweet taste and the relaxing aroma of cardamom make for a light breakfast or soothing mid-day snack. Baking the pears makes them tender and brings out their sweetness....
The crisp crunch of 'Seaweed and Baby Kale Tabouli' will refresh and revitalize the body on a warm afternoon. Prepare for lunch and enjoy outside under an early summer blue sky, or bring to work and brighten up a long day. You'll feel light and...
Sweet mint limeade is a refreshing, cooling digestive aid for the lazy dog days of summer.
Thin lassi, slightly astringent. Cooling pungent mint mixes with sour. Perhaps a sauce over rice pulao with saffron and lavender? Or a dressing for a salad or salty tortilla chips? A drink on it's own for midday. A lassi is simply equal parts yogurt...
Sour lime mixes with spicy-sweet fresh ginger in this chilled beverage that will wake up your mind as it delights your palate. A refreshing glass of this Ginger Basil Limeade will help you feel as light and bright as the summer day. Pour yourself a...
Cool mint, open mind (yang type). Soft, jelly-like bottle gourd grounds the root chakra (yin). Like having a clairvoyant moment during meditation on a water bed.
Founder of Joyful Belly Ayurveda, John Immel, answers the question ‘What is Ayurveda?’