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(4.50 out of 5 stars) 6 ratings, 3532 likes SAVE RECIPE Crispy and hot around the edges, sizzling Potato Latkes will be devoured as soon as they leave the frying pan. As this fun & hearty treat sizzles in the pan, it will warms your heart in the cold winter. Bright green scallions sprinkled on top add a... (5.00 out of 5 stars) 1 rating, 272 likes SAVE RECIPE Sweet, heavy but easy on the belly, 'Orange Millet Pancakes' will leave you feeling grounded and content without burdening digestion. These pancakes break away from the simple flour, eggs and milk combination you may have enjoyed growing up, and... 191 likes SAVE RECIPE Coat some juicy portobello mushrooms in your own homemade barbecue sauce. Each flavor filled bite will leave you wanting more of this sweet, smoky and spicy blend and wondering how you've only just discovered this recipe now. Enjoy outside on a warm... (5.00 out of 5 stars) 3 ratings, 726 likes SAVE RECIPE This recipe will open you up to a new perspective on the culinary possibilities of plantain. This versatile member of the banana family is often used in place of potatoes due to its starch content and relatively neutral flavor. Not as sweet or soft as... (5.00 out of 5 stars) 1 rating, 292 likes SAVE RECIPE Warm, comforting with a bitter bite, this 'Omelette with Kale, Beets & Goat Cheese' is a hearty way to start your day. Build Strength & StaminaBoth eggs and goat cheese are heavy and oily. These qualities build tissue and... 351 likes SAVE RECIPE Sweet, rich, with a satisfying crunch, one bite of these waffles brings you to your grandmother's kitchen, no matter what corner of the world you have wandered to. Comforting Oat Flour Waffles with Almond Milk and Ghee is your perfect medicine... 71 likes SAVE RECIPE As winter lays its heavy, cold darkness upon us like a blanket of snow, we seek to find warmth and comfort around the hearth fires of our ovens and with the ones we cherish and love. Shiitake, Tarragon, and Thyme With Cashew Cream Sauce satisfies... ENZYME DEFICIENCIES