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8 likes SAVE RECIPE This decongesting salsa is especially formulated to dislodge mucus and revitalize. Pineapple is mucolytic. The sourness of pineapple and vinegar liquefy mucus. Chili, Rosemary, Garlic, Onion, and Daikon open up the chest, dilate blood vessels, and... (5.00 out of 5 stars) 1 rating, 449 likes SAVE RECIPE Add a splash of color to your homemade hummus with some warming roasted red bell pepper. Spice things up and create this smooth dip to serve along side freshly cooked sweet potato fries. Despite the rich and creamy texture of this hummus, it is... 48 likes SAVE RECIPE These fries pacify Kapha due to Daikon's unique sharp and bitter taste. Meanwhile, mint aids digestion while making the dish sweeter. |