Categories in Bones MusclePostureJoint, Tendon, & LigamentMuscleBonesHairNailsOverviewA joint is the meeting point of two bones.
Ligaments are tough, inelastic fibers that are made of collagen. A ligament connects two or more bones together to form a joint. They are important for joint stability.
Tendons connect muscle to bone.
Don't know your body type? Take our free Dosha quiz!
158 likes SAVE SYMPTOMAyurveda classifies pain into several types - inflammatory, tension related, and ama related (toxins), although the underlying cause of pain could be virtually any injury, disease or sickness.
General aches & pains are often a sign of ama or toxic...
33 likes SAVE SYMPTOMAll tension originates from the pelvic floor. To help release neck pain, learn proper hip alignment and release tension in the lower abdomen.
The neck is sensitive to the cold. For most cases, keep your neck warm to reduce neck...
15 likes SAVE SYMPTOMSweet blood congests the liver, which weakens tendons (Shleshaka Kapha).
30 likes SAVE SYMPTOMThe upper back supports the neck, rib cage, sternum, lungs, and heart. Pain in any one of these areas can masquerade as an upper back ache.
Abnormal posture, such as hunching the shoulders, a sunken sternum, as well as scoliosis, can create...
77 likes SAVE SYMPTOMThe lower back is a fascinating and intricate part of the body that is home to the colon, intestines, uterus, urinary tract, prostate, kidney and spine. Pain in any one of these areas can masquerade as a back ache.
Back Pain from...
152 likes SAVE SYMPTOMPast injury, gravitational stress, auto-immune disorders, and candida or other infections lodged in the joints can cause joint pain. Hip pain is a sign of high vata dosha.
Generally, Ayurveda treats joint pain with cleansing. Yoga teachers...
51 likes SAVE SYMPTOMProper alignment from studying yoga can help protect your knees from arthritis and pain. A significant cause of knee pain is carrying heavy objects, or gaining too much weight. Age can also cause arthritis in the knees.
16 likes SAVE SYMPTOMThe tendons linking the fingers to the muscles of the forearm travel through the 'carpal tunnel' in the wrist. Sometimes, the tunnel becomes inflamed, especially in circumstances where the fingers are moving while the hand is bent (such as typing on a...
48 likes SAVE SYMPTOMArthritis (osteoarthritis) is considered to be a Vata disorder. Generally, circulation is poor in the joints. Toxins (mostly from poor digestion) tend to buildup in these areas of poor circulation, causing local inflammation and degeneration....
84 likes SAVE SYMPTOMDetoxification of the colon is the first line of treatment for rheumatoid arthritis in Ayurveda, together with herbs to stimulate circulation in the joint space. Since there is an auto-immune component to rheumatism, the liver should be detoxified as...
36 likes SAVE SYMPTOMAccording to Ayurveda, arthritic conditions are related to toxicity in the colon. Joint pain in the fingers can also indicate dryness and poor circulation to the extremities.
17 likes SAVE SYMPTOMJoint pain after eating could imply an overgrowth of candida or other bacteria that become active whenever blood sugar levels increase. The bacteria may infest the joint space itself, or other tissues of the body. These pathogens release toxins into...
38 likes SAVE SYMPTOMSwollen joints may be a sign of toxicity, an auto-immune disorder, or arthritic degeneration in the joint.
29 likes SAVE SYMPTOMOveruse of a tendon, as well as Pitta type toxins can irritate the tendons. In Chinese medicine, the tendons are controlled by the liver.
Learn how to assess constitution by a person's face.
3 likes SAVE SYMPTOMA sprain is a torn ligament that occurs when the sudden movement forces a joint to exceed its range of motion. Ligaments are tough, inelastic fibers that are made of collagen. A ligament connects two or more bones together to form a joint. They are...
1 like SAVE SYMPTOMA strain is also known as a pulled muscle or pulled tendon. It occurs when the muscle is overstretched. Strains commonly occur in the hamstring and lower back.
Mild strains are healed with simple at home treatment summarized by RICE: rest, ice,...
BONES MUSCLE TIPSDISCLAIMER: The pathogenesis of each person's condition is unique, and so the diet must be fit to the individual and the unique root causes of the condition in your body.
The information on this page is for educational purposes only and should not be used to treat a medical condition. It is not a substitute for medical care.
Please check with your doctor before making any changes to your health and wellness routine.
Ayurveda strengthens the body while opposing disorders. It takes a holistic,
systemic approach that looks at the whole body. Ayurveda
shows how to interpret signs and symptoms of imbalance, and how to address them
using diet, lifestyle adjustments, and herbs. It shows a person how to optimize their health on a continual basis. You can't
take the doctor home with you, but you can take Ayurveda home with you.
Ayurveda is the most advanced and easy to use home system for self healing.
Ayurveda starts by identifying your body type,
which identifies certain tendencies in your body to get sick (as well as identifying your strengths).
It uses body type to determine the likely root causes of your disorders.
Next, Ayurveda analyzes the nature of your disorder.
It fits all your signs and symptoms into a pattern, expressed as a combination of biocharaceristics (gunas).
For example, you may have a heat disorder, a cold disorder, or an oily disorder, etc.
This simple categorical approach shows you how to correct systemic imbalances and strengthen your body as a whole.
On Joyful Belly, we've created an extensive categorization of food so you can easily match food to your imbalanced biocharacteristics.
By eating an optimal diet that balances your biocharacteristics, your whole body is strengthened
and the conditions that created the disorder are removed. Once the root causes of the disease
are removed, the disease lessens in strength or disappears altogether. Additional remedies -
such as herbs and lifestyle practices - focused on the specific disorder, can greatly enhance
your healing.
To get started on your Ayurvedic journey, we first recommend that your find your body
type by taking our free quiz. In Ayurveda, every solution is based on your unique body type, so
by taking this quiz, you’ll get the best results.
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