Pitta individuals are enthusiastic individuals who start projects with great zeal, but often lose stamina due to their exuberance over time. For this reason, Pitta suffers the most from burn-out. Pitta individuals must be cautious to reserve their...
Kapha individuals take a long time to get started. They lack initiative and enthusiasm. However, once Kapha is motivated, they stay motivated for a long time and have great stamina.
Kapha is the dosha of love and stability. Kapha people are generally homemakers, and do well in committed relationships.
Thick skin is a sign of sweet or oily "dense" blood. This is a Kapha condition and may indicate poor circulation.
Wrinkles form due to loss of collagen in the skin. This dries out and thins the skin, making the skin wrinkled. Sun damage can also form wrinkles.
Scarring easily may be a sign of low cholesterol. Vitamin E, almond oil, and other oils and herbs can help the skin repair more quickly.
Cracked skin is a more advanced Vata condition of dryness.
Skin problems in the abdominal area may arise from many sources, including indigestion, and stretch marks from past pregnancies. Acne in this area may indicate gas, bloating, inflammation and toxicity causing a Pitta imbalance. Fungal infections and...
Skin problems in the genital area may imply a sexually transmitted disease, parasites, candida or toxicity.
Burning rashes on the ears (especially after eating) could be a sign of upward moving heat (Pitta). There may be an infection in the sinus or ear canal that is releasing through the skin. Try massaging around the ear, pulling the ear to see if there is...
People who are easily bored find life and the world generally insufficient for their ambitions. This in some sense is a rejection of the way things are naturally. So a bored person feels the need to make life more exciting than it is. Boredom amounts...
The liver becomes congested when fibers replace healthy lung parenchyma and liver comes fatty. Liver blood congestion can back up and cause portal and pulmonary hypertension. The liver repairs and regenerates itself at night. Good sleep hygiene is...
Nerve damage results in chronic pain, loss of sensation, or loss of function. Causes include Metabolic disorders / diabetes Infection Toxins - Heavy metals, pesticides, etc. Chemotherapy Trauma / Repetitive motion...
The appendix is an important organ for boosting immunity of the digestive tract. If your appendix has been removed, your immunity may be compromised. In that case, Ayurveda suggests foods that are easy to digest.
Fecal incontinence may result from weakness of the muscles in the rectum, rapid emptying of veins in the sphincter, or inflammation causing an acute urge to defecate. Ashwini mudra may help in weakness. reduce blood stagnation in blood stasis.
A broad large chest is a sign of Kapha dosha. When Kapha individuals are balanced, a man's chest will appear like superman, and a women's curvy. The muscles on the chest reflect earth element. The size of the breast reflects the amount of sweet taste...
It takes a strong digestion to get thirsty. Otherwise, water will feel heavy in the stomach. Vata individuals often forget to drink water, or fail to notice they are thirsty. Excess mucus and insufficient acids can also drown healthy thirst. Your sense...
Even though a Kapha person may feel psychologically insecure, their body is generally abundant & secure. This security bestows Kapha with a caring, generous, calm & patient nature. Kapha individuals appear calm outwardly but often experience a storm of...
An ischemic stroke is a loss of blood flow to a part of the brain, occuring due to a clot. This disruption in blood flow leads to the sudden death of brain cells. A clot can cause an obstruction in blood vessels inside the brain (thrombotic stroke), or...
Chemotherapy causes cellular division to cease, leading to hair loss, and often severe indigestion.
The herpes virus may lie dormant in nerves. Stress is the most common trigger of herpes outbreaks. The following herbal actions can help: Adaptogen - To mediate stress (licorice root) Vulnerary - To heal lesions Demulcent - To...
There are hundreds of different kinds of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) affecting different areas of the body. Treatment ranges from Antivirals Ablation - Use of caustic agents to burn away the wart. Lasers, electrodes, freezing...
Semen may be discharged in urine when straining to eliminate, after a long period without ejaculation, or swollen prostate. Loss of semen can significantly deplete the body of vital nutrients - leaving you tired and irritable.
A bright red tongue can indicate heart heat or blood stagnation.
The difficulties and messiness of life require compassion and forgiveness for those suffering through a divorce. Divorce disrupts stability, routine, community, and causes displacement generally. True unity is possible only when individuals submit...
True erectile dysfunction is frequently a circulatory problem. If you have morning erections, the root cause of sexual dysfunction may be nervous system related, due to exhaustion, or other factors.
A polyp, internal hemorrhoid, or something protruding into the colon can create a consistent groove in the stool. This condition should be checked by a qualified gastroenterologist to rule out colon cancer.
Daily weighing reduces you to a number. When you spend time focusing on external numbers on the scale or BMI chart, you lose the chance to engage with your body and learn from your physical sensations. Instead, the number becomes more important than...
Pre-menstrual syndrome refers to a group of symptoms women experience between ovulation and menstruation, including one or more of mood swings, irritability, depression, food cravings, fatigue, headache, back ache, tender breasts, water retention &...
Pain should always be checked by a medical doctor. Intermittent digestive pain may be due to colic or spasm of the intestines, distension from gas or bloating, and inflammation or irritation of the GI tract.
Restaurant food is prepare to entice and seduce the consumer. Salt, fat, sugar, and animal proteins are irresistibly employed for your delight. At least 80% home cooked meals are essential to establishing a healthy lifestyle.
Skin allergies are common following exposure to cosmetics, fragrances, jewelry and plants. Two factors are involved in the development of skin allergies. 1) A 'leaky' skin barrier that fails to prevent contact of the allergen with the immune system;...
Thick, cool skin is a sign of thick blood and Kapha dosha.
On the whole, women are more moist than men. A Chinese medical quote goes, "Women have blood to give, men have energy (Qi) to give." This excess of blood is eliminated through menses, which has a draining effect. Lack of menstruation creates a...
Feeling pain less than other people, or hypoalgesia, is a condition in which there is decreased sensitivity to painful stimuli. Hypoalgesia is a potentially dangerous condition as there may be a reduced or delayed response in processing painful...
Eating indiscriminately feels like living in a cloud; you may be unable to think clearly or find some perspective on your appetite, making it nearly impossibly to avoid the temptation to eat haphazardly. Often indiscriminate eating is marked by a...
Dental amalgam is a substance commonly used to fill cavities caused by tooth decay. It is made from a mixture of metals, containing 50% mercury. These fillings release low levels of mercury vapour that is absorbed into the body. The FDA have deemed...
Oily skin can result from too much fats, carbs, dairy, sweets, or meat, or when high Pitta makes the skin hot and sweaty.
On Joyful Belly, we've created an extensive categorization of food so you can easily match food to your imbalanced biocharacteristics. By eating an optimal diet that balances your biocharacteristics, your whole body is strengthened and the conditions that created the disorder are removed. Once the root causes of the disease are removed, the disease lessens in strength or disappears altogether. Additional remedies - such as herbs and lifestyle practices - focused on the specific disorder, can greatly enhance your healing.
Founder of Joyful Belly Ayurveda, John Immel, answers the question ‘What is Ayurveda?’