Pelvic congestion syndrome is a condition where varicose veins in the lower abdomen cause heaviness and pain in the pelvic area. Hemorrhoids, vaginal varices, varicose veins, and varicocele (testicular congestion in men) are common in this...
Vata individuals tend to be lanky due to poor digestion, malabsorption, or parasites. Vata individuals have thin fluids, which tends to make the limbs long. Kapha individuals on the other hand, tend to be short and stocky. Due to thick fluids, Kapha...
Kapha's stability, generosity, and loving nature is visible in their facial expressions, and especially their eyes. Large eyes also imply fatty deposits behind the eyes.
Only perfectionism can satisfying Pitta's gnawing sense of hopeless and shame, experienced as burning tension in midriff / solar plexus area. Spending money on luxuries alleviates this ever present self criticism somewhat. Shame is the classic sign of...
Kapha's stability leads to acquisition of wealth. Out of balance, Kapha individuals tend to horde wealth and belongings. They have trouble letting go.
A non-healing ulcer or diabetic sore is one that does not respond to initial treatment and persists despite appropriate care. Diabetic ulcers generally tend to develop on the legs and feet due to poor circulation or edema in the lower extremities....
Leukemia is a type of blood cancer that causes an overproduction of immature or abnormal white blood cells. These defective white blood cells can't fight infection like their healthy counterparts. They also crowd out the red blood cells, meaning there...
A polyp is an abnormal growth of tissue projecting from a mucous membrane. Polyps may form in the nasal passages, colon, uterus, ear and bladder. Polyps may obstruct the passage, and are easily irritated and/or inflamed. In some cases they are...
Soft, flexible, oval shaped nails are generally strong, pliable, and can bend without breaking. This type of nail is characteristic of a Pitta predominant...
Urge incontinence refers to urine leakage with urge to urinate. Stress incontinence refers to urine leakage when straining, coughing, laughing, or exercising. Enuresis also include bed wetting, which may be due to irritation of the bladder after...
A goiter or enlarged thyroid may be due to various factors, including low iodine, excess iodine, hyperthyroid, or hypothyroid, or thyroiditis. Basically anything that stresses the thyroid gland can cause a goiter.
Bitterness wells up whenever we refuse to accept the world as it is, challenging us to re-examine the phrase, "God made the world and saw that it was good." (Genesis 1:31) The rejection of any race or culture, especially your own, stems from the ego...
If you are easily insulted or hurt, it may be a sign that the liver is sensitive. A calm liver gives a person a smooth, patient, & resilient personality.
An orthorexic lives in the future instead of the now, so has trouble participating in life without thought of future consequences. On a spiritual level, the inability to indulge is a disorder of excess chastity. The essence of chastity is an...
A tonsillectomy is the surgical removal of the tonsils. This procedure usually occurs after several instances of tonsillitis, or when the tonsils are enlarged and causing an obstruction. Tonsils are round masses of lymph tissue at the back of the...
Estrogen sensitive tissues include tissues we would expect: breasts, endometrium, and ovaries. Additionally, estrogen receptors are found in the bone, brain, liver, colon, skin, and salivary gland. Estrogen domination is also called unopposed...
Oily skin can result from too much fats, carbs, dairy, sweets, or meat, or when high Pitta makes the skin hot and sweaty.
Glossitis is a condition where the entire tongue surface appears depapillated and inflamed, usually a side-effect of nutritional deficiencies.
When a person is dark for their ethnicity, it could suggest the liver is deficient or toxic.
A GI Bleed may occur spontaneously in those who are on blood thinners. As a person ages, the colon becomes more fragile and occult bleeding becomes more common. IBD including ulcerative colitis and crohn's may cause fecal occult blood and more...
Pitta individuals have adequate heat and high metabolism which prevents the buildup of bulk. They also have strong digestion, which nourishes their tissues, preventing the wasting one sees with Vata. The result is a finely-chiseled physique. Strong...
The width of the hips bones do not change over a person life, making the hips and bones in general excellent indicators of one prakruti, or constitution. Slender, thin hips are one of the root indicators of Vata constitution.
Kapha individuals have steady emotions, a sign of Kapha's stability. Once angered or crossed however, Kapha people take a very long time to calm down and trust a person again.
Pitta individuals have trouble falling asleep, but they tend to sleep through the night.
Skin problems in buttocks could be caused by too much time sitting with an improper posture (Vata) or fluid stagnation in the lower extremities (Kapha).
Chronic vaginal discharge may be due to bacterial vaginosis (BV). Root causes include 1) sweet, rich stagnant blood (Kapha), 2) Thinning of mucosal membranes in menopause, 3) UTI, or other ama from the GI tract, 4) Sexual intercourse, or 5) Spermicidal...
Relationships offer many benefits and opportunities for self-growth. However, it's also common for relationships to experience strife and challenges. Understanding your tendencies can help increase harmony in your relationships.
Bleeding less than other people can be a good thing - it means you won't lose as much blood if you cut or injure yourself. If pathological, it could be due to either thick, viscous blood with sluggish circulation
Emphysema is a condition where the air sacs (alveoli) in the lungs are damaged and rupture, creating large air filled spaces in the lungs. The early symptoms of emphysema are shortness of breath, coughing, and recurrent lung infections....
A polyp is an abnormal growth of tissue projecting from a mucous membrane. Polyps may form in the nasal passages, colon, uterus, ear and bladder. Polyps may obstruct the passage, and are easily irritated and/or inflamed. In some cases they are...
Blastocystis hominis is a protozoan bacteria. Billions of people have Blastocystis hominis have no symptoms. Blasto was not even considered a 'bad bacteria' by most doctors until the 2000s. Even if you have Blasto, look for other potential root causes...
These may be lipomas (benign) however this condition should be checked by a medical doctor. Ayurveda considers lipomas of the abdomen a sign of lipid and lymphatic stagnation of the belly, a Kapha condition.
Pain should always be checked by a medical doctor. Pain relieved by pooping may indicate some inflammation in the rectum, sigmoid colon, or even higher up in the digestive tract. When the fecal matter comes in contact with the irritated area, it causes...
Eating stimulates the digestive organs to secrete fluids. It also stimulates peristalsis, propelling previous meals through the GI tract. The enzymatic action and movement can be abrasive for sensitive irritated tissues.
On Joyful Belly, we've created an extensive categorization of food so you can easily match food to your imbalanced biocharacteristics. By eating an optimal diet that balances your biocharacteristics, your whole body is strengthened and the conditions that created the disorder are removed. Once the root causes of the disease are removed, the disease lessens in strength or disappears altogether. Additional remedies - such as herbs and lifestyle practices - focused on the specific disorder, can greatly enhance your healing.
Founder of Joyful Belly Ayurveda, John Immel, answers the question ‘What is Ayurveda?’